Chapter 24: When you would rather be lied to than find out the truth

Start from the beginning

She came next to me and turned on the phone; she went straight to the photo gallery.

'Oh, but you will look, or else I will use the wind on you. I don't think you want to suffocate, do you? Listen, I tried to hurt you once, I do not want to do it the second time. I just want you to see how much Eric and I love each other and then I want you to leave the campus, and from Eric's life.'

'Let's go back six years ago.'

I looked at the phone. I was shocked.

'Yes, we have known each other for a long time.'

Who still keeps photos in their phone six years later?

She obviously had a separate album with pictures of herself and her great love. She scrolled through the hundreds of photos to the most recent ones. There were so many with them hugging, kissing or gazing into each other's eyes like...any girl wants to be looked at...just like two people who are in love...At the seaside, in the mountains, hiking, in an amusement park; and the photos kept rolling before my eyes until I threw the phone; I could not take it any longer.

'What do you think you are doing?' She snapped at me. 'Let's get to the more recent ones. From a week ago.'

She put the phone in front of me. It was a selfie with her cuddling on Eric's chest in the bed.

Seeing Eric with someone else had a great impact on me; greater than I had expected. Knowing him with a crazy woman hurt me even more. What kind of person could live with someone like her? He had told me that he cares about me and I, like a silly person, believed him. It had always been only about my powers.

'Don't be upset', she mocked me.

'I have seen enough, Debbie. Please, just leave me alone.'

'But I still haven't showed you the messages. Look, this one is from last evening: "We cannot see each other at my place for some time. Mystic's sister and her colleague are moving in. She wants to keep her close. We will speak more when we meet." 'And this one is from this morning: "I will come to your place tonight. I expect a nice welcome." 'Or...'

'Enough', I interrupted her; I took the phone from her hand and threw it away and then I started to run. I could hear her laughing behind me.

I do not know for how long I ran but I stopped only when I could no longer feel my legs. I found myself thrown in this thick and foggy forest.

"I expect a nice welcome."

Everything was a lie! I am only an instrument!

'Damn it', I yelled and pushed some leaves aside 'Don't cry, don't cry, don't you dare cry.'

My back hurt because of the effort and I felt a bit dizzy. I wonder how much time I have left until the morh's poison gets to me? I leaned on a tree, put my face in my palms and let myself drop to the ground.

'And now; what do I do?' I shouted hoping that the forest would give me an answer. However, the echo was the only thing I heard.

I have to call Baldric and leave this place.

Someone put his hand on my shoulder.

'Oh, no, not you again...' I got up angry and ran into...Eric... except for Debbie, he was the other person that I did not want to see.

'Who were you expecting to find? What are you doing here?' he said angrily.

Then he looked at me and saw that I had been crying; he changed the tone of his voice and pretended to be worried.

'Are you alright? What happened? I am sorry I yelled, but the thought that something might happen to you...You should not be here.'

'Eric, move out of my way!' I snapped at him. 'And stop pretending for one second that you care about me. I think it is time we were honest to each other.'

The Magic Pawn Series: The Discovery (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now