Chapter 18: At Baldric's mercy

Start from the beginning

We sat on a bench outside the clinic.

'Five minutes, not more; and then we leave.'

'It's alright. Take all the time you need. I am here if you want to talk about this.'

The truth is that I did feel like talking to someone. I am not really in the habit of telling others what I have going on, but if I was to, then Christine was the right person to do that.

'I don't is just too much at once. Don't get me wrong; I would be very happy to find out that I have a sister, but it is just that I would have liked it if Mystic had been honest with me from the beginning. Moreover, I don't want to get my hopes up until I have the confirmation. But it all makes sense. Why have I been able to communicate with Mystic back in Greece via this necklace that I am wearing? She has a similar one and when Meya gave it to me, she said that it had been my mother's. And in the car, when the girls told her that she has a necklace like mine, she reacted strangely. There was nothing in my hair; she just pulled out some hairs to have them checked. There is a high possibility that Mystic is my sister.'

'And how does that make you feel?'

'I don no know. It scares me but it also makes be happy.'

'Can I tell you my opinion?'


'I don't think you should be angry with her for not telling you. She probably just wanted to make sure first. Wait for the results to come and see if she will talk to you after that. She has no reason not to.'

'Yes...I guess...I don't is possible that I might have a sister. Can you believe that?'

'No, but I would be very happy to find out that it is true. You need this.'

'You are right...thank you, Christine.'

'Are you sure you are alright?'

'Under these circumstances...yes.'

'Alright then, let's go! Maggie texted me earlier. Eric is there and he's not himself. She wrote in capital letters that we had better gotten there in five minutes.'

'And when did she text you?'

'Five minutes ago.'

'Oh. It's clear then. He will be pissed and we will have to come up with a better excuse. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?'

'Because you needed some time for yourself. We'll manage with Eric', she said and seemed not to stress at all.

It was almost 8 p.m. and we had already been walking for thirty minutes; we had failed at finding a taxi. It was already dark outside and the empty little street we were walking on did not give me the best feeling.

Even Christine had lost her cool, and she was a difficult person to piss off.

'How is it possible that there is no taxi? And where is everybody? I do not like this street one bit.'

'I cannot believe this.'

'You've got to be kidding me. We walked all this way just to hit a dead end?'

There was a wire fence at the end of the street and the buildings around us seemed to be abandoned; lifeless. No light was on.

'Remind me. Whose idea was it to go on this street? We should have kept walking on the boulevard. At least there we would have been safe.'

'Don't give me that look', Christine defended herself. I thought we might be able to shorten our walk. Moreover, nothing can happen to us. We are witches, remember that?'

The Magic Pawn Series: The Discovery (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now