Chapter 17: Time to be honest

Start from the beginning

'Try to calm down. Let's take a walk and have a chat', Christine said. 'There's something we need to talk about.'

'And just so you know, I don' feel like jumping on him. It's more like I want to strangle him.'

They both grabbed my arms and forced me out of the room.

It was a bit chilly but it felt nice. There were not too many people in the main courtyard. Most of the students were probably in their rooms resting after all the partying from the night before.

We spotted a remote bench under a tree and we sat there.

'Now that you're calmer, can we talk like civilised people?' Christine said to me.

'I was calm even before.'

'If this is your definition of calm, then I don't want to see you angry', Maggie said amused.

'I'm sorry girls. It's just that a lot has happened. It's hard for me to get used to all of this. It seems that destiny has played a joke on me, and Eric and I are meant for each other. And, except for the connection I have with him, what is funnier is the fact that I also have a connection with his crazy brother, Baldric, who attacked me back when we were in Greece.'

'When you and Eric are together I can feel the same vibes from both of you, and this has never happened with anyone else. I can simply feel the chemistry between you. You are like a magnet to one another. If I close my eyes and think about you two when you are close to me, I can see rays of light that tie you together.'

'Oh, no...please don't tell me that.'

The last thing that I wanted to hear was that Eric and I were a magnet to one another.

'I still don't understand why you're trying to oppose this connection that you and Eric have. I mean...he looks great!'

'Sister, the outside is not everything', Christine said.

'Yes, fine, he has a lot of qualities also. But he looks greeeat. What does your libido say, Kate?'

'If he is that greeeat, why don't you get him?'

'Do I sense a bit of jealousy?' Christine asked me.

'Well, why wouldn't she be? Eric is a man that many women want. Not to mention the fact that he is an extraordinary wizard and the owner of the campus.'

'Aha...' I said, trying to seem uninterested.

'We have to leave soon. It's time to get down to more serious business. Like the connection you have with Eric's brother', Christine said. 'About that, is there any reason why you'd have to worry?' From what I understood from Eric, when Baldric chose the dark side, he did not realise what consequences this would have on him. He sold his soul for power. He let himself absorbed by hate and now he is no longer capable of any beautiful feeling. Even if he wanted to love, he could not be capable of something as pure as love is. His soul is frozen and that makes him a fierce enemy. He is ruthless and has no kindness left in him. He feeds on meanness. WThe problem is that there was some kind of an exchange of energy between you two. For a few seconds you could look into his soul and see how sad he truly is. You gave him the kind of warmth that he had probably not felt in a long time. You managed to crack his shield of ice. To make it clear, Baldric needs you because you might be able to give him what he wants the most: to have feelings once more. The problem is that while this exchange of energy does him good, it is hurting you.'

'Baldric threatened that he will stop for nothing until he has managed to get his hands on me', I said panicked.

'This will not happen. Eric and Mystic will not let this happen. Moreover, you have us also', she said while pointing at Maggie and herself.

The Magic Pawn Series: The Discovery (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now