25. Help Me

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I suddenly felt as if I was in a bad dream. I could watch what was happening, but I had no control over what I was doing.

"Go into the living room." His voice spoke, almost soothingly.

I watched in horror as my body carried out his will without me needing to instruct it myself. I was wildly trying to retain control of my limbs to no avail.

It was all to soon that I reached the living room where Niall and Louis where sitting, they smiled as they saw me. I was trapped, unable to control myself as I carried out his next order against my will.

"Walk over to them."

Once I had reached the sofa that sat on, they raised their eyebrows expectedly at me, waiting for my reason to confront them. Suddenly, words came flooding out of my mouth uncontrollably,

"I wish I had never met you. Any of you. You have ruined every single part of my life and I hate everyone one of you with all my heart."

It broke their hearts as much as it broke mine to hear me say it, as I watched there faces fall, especially Niall's. I tried desperately to reach out and comfort them, tell them I didn't mean it, but alas, I was still out of control of my actions.

"W-What?" Niall stammered, his eyes washing over with a dark purple, a few tears freely falling down his face.

"You heard me, and I hate you especially. We never had anything between us, I have always loved Harry over you."

I could see his heart shatter as the colour drained from his face, all apart from his eyes, which remained a solid purple. I also noticed how Louis was staring at my arm, how my veins were pulsing a lot more than usual. It was the magic. How could he not notice what was happening? It was obvious the magic was doing something, you could basically see my pulse in my wrist. It was now again that I heard that devils voice again,

"Now, sweetheart. We need to pay Harry a visit."

I desperately tried to fight against the force that had me crushing my friends, and ruining my friendships. However, this was magic I was fighting against, of course I wasn't going to win.


I watched in dread as Harry came into sight, wearing his normal smirk like he always had and with Zeus perched on the bed. He barked happily as I came around the corner and nuzzled against my leg in greeting.

"Get away you stupid mutt." I kneed Zeus away from me, taking him by surprise. He looked up at me, and actually seemed to understand something wasn't right, because instead of growling like him usually would he simply looked confused, starting deeply into my eyes.

"Calm down there, love." Harry smirked, pulling my into his side.

"You too. Piss off." I spat, pushing him aggressively.

"Whoa, what crawled up your arse?" Harry chuckled,

"I hate you Harry. Don't even think that I ever loved you."

His reaction surprised me. Firstly, his eyes went purple, then red, then green again.

"Is it that magic that prick injected into you?" He looked more concerned then anything, which is good since I think he realised that I didn't mean what I said.

"No Harry, you're the only prick here. Hakon has done nothing but help me the whole time you've kept me in this hellhole."

"No, you don't know what you're saying..." He trailed off. He was starting to believe me.

"Well that's it. I know exactly what I'm saying. I hate you so much, I whole time I've been here I've just been waiting to drive a sharpened stake through your unbeating, emotionless heart."

I could actually see him crumble in front of me. He wouldn't usually be affected by those particular words individually, but string them together, and make the one he truly loves say them, and he won't be able to take it.

Once he had partially composed himself, he stood up and glared at me, truly believing the words I had said. As soon as he left the room, I felt a weight lift off of my body, making me take in a deep breath at the feeling of being free again. I heard that dickheads voice again,

"Very well done there, darling. I'll be back, unless you want to come with me now."

"No!" I screamed, slumping against the wall in tears.

Zeus had been watching me the whole time, trying to work out when I was back to my normal self, and he tried at this point to befriend me again, as he whined quietly. I smiled over at him, confirming that I was back. He wagged his tail happily and curled up next to me with his head in my lap. I stroked his head, attempting to soothe him after what had happened moments before,

"I'm sorry." I whispered to him, even though I knew he probably couldn't understand me. He seemed to understand a bit though, as he looked up at me with his glowing golden eyes.

"I wasn't myself before, I didn't mean to hurt you." I scratched his head affectionately, to which he barked, as if to let me know he had heard me.

"But I can't get near the boys to explain what happened without hurting them. Hang on..." I trailed off when I thought of my only lifeline.

"Zayn...I didn't confront Zayn. He still doesn't know what I said to the other boys."

Thats when Zeus got up and licked my face in comfort. I giggled, but help him back far enough that he couldn't reach me anymore.

"We need to sort this out before we can play, Zeusie." I laughed, even though I was really hurting on the inside.

Zeus walked over to the door, before turning around, looking to me to follow him. I understood what he wanted me to do, so I got up and followed him out. He was walking down the corridor toward the living room, but I bumped into Zayn on the way there. Get in.

"Oh Zayn, I was just looking for you." I breathed, relieved that I had found him so quickly.

"I was looking for you too, isn't that helpful." He chuckled,

"You first then." I nodded towards him, encouraging him to speak first.

"Well, it's about Harry." He spoke carefully, "What did you say to him, and Niall for that matter?"

"That's what I came to find you about!" I exclaimed, "It's this magic, we need to get it out of me! It's making me say dreadful things."

"That's why Niall's in tears and why Harry's not talking then I take it." Zayn shrugged.

"Oh no...no no no.." I shook my head in disbelief at my bad luck. "Zayn I really need you to help me, and understand that anything nasty I say until this is fixed isn't my doing."

"Ok, I understand, and yes, I'll help you, but I don't know how so far." He sighed, "We'll need Hakon to undo, no one else can."

"I think I have an idea."

This Isn't Real {Vampire Harry Styles}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora