I Heard Kylo Ren... >> Matt The Radar Technician (Kylo Ren) X Reader

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Your eyes widen, and remember that yes, in fact, you are, and the General would not be pleased at your lack of presence to transcribe and provide assistance. You nod, and hastily bid Matt goodbye, running off in the direction you were headed before you tripped, as fast as you can in your little heels.

It couldn't have been more than a week later when you saw him again. You were at the desk positioned before General Hux's office, filing the incoming documents on your Holopad in order of importance for your superior, when the blond technician walked in. It wasn't too unusual for those of lower rank to come to speak with General Hux when he wasn't on patrol on the Bridge – they often came with complaints or suggestions, or even, on call from the General himself. Even though you had spent the briefest of moments before with the technician, you felt a smile come to your face, and rose to greet him.

"It's nice to see you again, Matt," you beam, placing the Holopad upon the desk. He stands still, a confused look crossing over his face, and at this, you pause, and add, "Your name is Matt, isn't it? I'm usually good at remembering people's names."

He clears his throat. "Yep, I'm Matt. Radar, technician." He must have somehow sensed what your next question would be, and added, "I'm here to speak to Hu – General Hux."

"He's running a little slow for meetings," you tell Matt, recalling the list your ginger-haired supervisor is working from. "He's got the Minister of the Mirialan home world in overtime now, and when you're done, there's a spokesperson from Dantooine." You don't know why you're saying all of this to him, but Matt seems to be the kind of guy who seems trustworthy, even though he has a resting face that appears to be costive. "Do you want to come back, when he's free, or wait...?"

The blond man huffs, and moves to the chairs you keep in the corner near your desk. It's an impromptu waiting area, of sorts, with a little table with gossip rags and a fake flower in a vase. "I'll wait. I'm on a break."

As Matt takes a seat, however, you reach into the hidden draw beneath your desk. It's hidden in case you're under attack from rouge officers, or infiltrated Resistance, as it has a single Blaster and two extra clips of ammunition. It also has your special container of soft caramel sweets, kept for special occasions. Taking the glass receptacle out, you hold a wrapped lolly out to the man lodging in your waiting room.

"Thank you," you say, walking over to Matt, the sweet still extended in your hand. "For the other day. If it weren't for you, I don't think I would have made it in time to the meeting, and I would've gotten in trouble with General Hux."

He looks at the wrapped treat with a puzzling look, and that custom-made frown he always has on. "But you tripped on my wrench."

"I'm not one to point fingers," you shrug. "Do you want the caramel or not?"

Matt took the caramel.

You both sit there in silence, sucking away at the lollies. He's on the edge of the chair, fingers gripping the edges tight enough to whiten his knuckles. You're perched on the front of your desk, feet dangling off the front. It's inappropriate workplace behaviour, sitting so informally there, offering boiled sweets to men you barely know from around the First Order. Thank goodness, your superior is Hux and not the mind-reader Kylo Ren, or else he'd already know half of the infringements you'd never usually commit.

"I never understood why people like these sweets," his monotonous voice intones, those dark eyes glancing to meet yours, a smile curving those plush lips a little. "but they're not bad."

You grin, but before you can reply that you'd better like those caramel melts, they cost me four weeks of pay last shore leave on Corellia! the General's door opens, the Mirialan Minister exiting, the crop of red hair visible from the doorframe. Standing at once, you put on your best friendly smile for the Minister.

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