I Should've Known

Start from the beginning


" Of com'on gufs " Goku intervened with a chicken leg in hand with his mouth full" gut hem som sack! It ain't hib faulb he's so week! ( oh com'on guys! Cut him some him some slack! It ain't his fault he's so weak!) he swallowed what was in his mouth, " Wait.......actually it......kinda is" by then Roshi and Oolong couldn't hold their laughter anymore. Krillin snickered a little.

I dropped the cake, no one noticed, and used my speed to move to a farther area so they wouldn't see me leave, but it was hard to do that while keeping my ki very low because of my emotions were all over the place. Puar followed close behind.

" You guys outta be ashamed of yourselves!" Chi-Chi yelled at the group, " Talking about Yamcha like that behind his back is flat out disrespectful and shameful! How could you!? He has his flaws, but so do all of you! Just because your stronger than him, doesn't make you perfect fighters! Get off your high horses!" they all suddenly felt ashamed of themselves, even Piccolo a tiny bit, Vegeta not so much. " Ah, your right Chi-Chi, we took those jokes too far" Krillin said, Roshi agreed " Yeah, she's right, we ain't perfect either, man I feel like an idiot, I'm just glad he wasn't here to hear that" " Hmph" she turned to go talk to 18, who left the conversation awhile go.


When they stopped, Puar looked at him. His eyes were shadowed and his fist shook.

" P-Puar" he said normally but only a fraction above a whisper, trying not to breakdown " Um.......I'm not really in the party mood anymore" understanding completely, Puar simply nodded.

They took to the skies towards their apartment. Puar went in first when they arrived, but Yamcha stayed afloat outside the window. " Yamcha?" Puar asked confused, Yamcha lifted his head to look at her with a the most cheerful smile he could muster with wetness in the corner of his eyes, " Its ok, Puar. I'm only going out for some air, to clear my head. I'll be back ok?" " Are you sure? " " Yeah, I am don't worry alright?" " Ok......if you say so" she hesitated.

She had a pretty good idea where he was going, but all she could do is watch as her long time friend took off into sky.

Little did she know that she would regret that decision..........for a long time.


As he flew, Yamcha's eyes let loose the tears that he had been holding back for Puar as they flowed in the wind. He didn't want her to see him like this.

He headed to the place he knew best. Somewhere familiar. The places where he spent the most years of his life up till he turned twenty.

The desert.

There he landed on the ground, on his knees, hands digging into the earth below him. The anguish he felt made him want to explode. He finally let out a long sob.

So that's what his so-called friends thought about him and he had no idea,.............. and how could he? Or maybe he was just kidding himself. Thinking that he meant something to them.

While they called him weak, they really didn't know how much he had been holding back his emotions all these years. Nothing seemed to go right for him, if it did, it didn't last long. It would all come crashing down with on him.

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