Day Three

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It was 26th April, I went to recieve the medicines with my cousin, early in the morning, I was already informed that the medicines would arrive by 8 a.m at "city travels". I was there by 8.10 a.m and picked up the medicines and returned back home.

I placed the medicines at the feet of almighty goddess we worship, closed my eyes tight, and started worshipping her, I prayed " oh goddess, atleast give us this chance to cure our beloved daddy, who is also your son, a last chance to survive, let the difficulties and hard times he had for past three days is more than enough, please forgive him, and make your son atleast live now. Please we want our daddy back, have some mercy on us and spare our daddy please please please God"....

I called the person who sent this medicine and informed him that I had received the medicines​. I asked him when was the best or right time to give my daddy this medicine. He asked me to give it only once in a day and that too in early morning i.e by 5 a.m to 6 a.m. so I planned to go the next day to give my daddy this medicines. Today it was already late and I was bit tired due to jetlag, so I didn't go visit my daddy today.

It was noon, we all were little busy in our own works, so no one noticed my mom, she was attached to the same place for a longer time, when I sat in the couch opposite to her, I saw she was flooded with tears, as I went near she started to faint. Everyone were shocked and tried to wake her up, she was not having anything properly for days as my dad fell ill, her sleepless nights, less in take of food lower her blood pressure levels low. This was the cause for her dizziness, we were not able to wake her soon, so we allowed her to rest for some time at peace. She was crying every night thinking about my daddy, his thoughts was ruining her day by day.

My mom and dad are the best couples I ever had seen in my life. They were so lovable that I hadn't have any words to describe the love they had for each other. we sisters used to always admire them, especially when they dress and get ready to any special occasions or functions, we always admire and say in chorus "Amma and daddy you both looked as if you were married recently, you both never get old". They both used to smile at us and we used to take pictures of them.

My mom woke up by 3.00 at noon, we all gathered together and begged our mom to take some food, but she hesitated, at last my son came without uttering a word he started to feed his grandma, we were all surprised to see this, he is too young but understood what was the present feelings of his grandma. My mom without saying a word started to eat while his grandson fed him, her eyes started flooding with tears running down her cheek. then she became a little normal than the previous day, we had a sigh looking the change in our mom.

That night we all went to bed, I before going to bed kept alarm at my mobile by 5.00 am as the medicine has to be given early in morning before he takes his morning dosage of food. so I was excited to give the medicine to my daddy and was having a strong belief that definitely this medicine is going to make my daddy better. with all hopes a shut my eyes to open up for a new and fresh morning tomorrow...

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