Returning to my mom's home

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I reached my home and I started opening the main gate as slowly as I could and creeped inside by leaving my slippers and my son's in the veranda area, as we don't have the habit of walking around the house with slippers. I opened the entrance door by the time I entered in my granny saw me and sat back dumbstruck with tears, then I entered slowly to mini hall in my home, where my Mom was leaning back on the sofa.

My house was fully filled with relatives as I entered in every one was astonished to see me, they were standing speechless. When I appeared in front of my Mom she sat dumbstruck, only tears where rolling down her eyes, as she sat speechless, she was wet with tears, and seems to be crying the whole night. My first sister who was in kitchen casually entered the scene and she all of a sudden noticed me and was taken aback.

She never expected me there. When I waved hi, she also was stuck by my sudden appearance and it nearly took few minutes for her to respond me back. I slowly sat beside my Mom holding her hand and controlling all my emotions,  she hugged me and started crying and again I was to control my emotions which was already bursting with me inside, I stood up and said "Amma nothing will happen to our dad... I just now saw him, he ll be alright soon".

After that my home was fully filled with emotions of love, cry and sentiments. There were cuddles, hugs and kisses to my son from everyone since he left India when he was four months and was returning after two long years to visit his aunt's and grandparents.

After all those emotions, we all together had our breakfast after a long time then I and my Mom  started to hospital to see my daddy.

We went to the hospital by autorickshaw, then entered the block where my dad was admitted. There were duty doctors on visit while I entered his ward.

My Mama( uncle) introduced me to those doctors. Then what the doctors​ said was really make me skip a beat.

I was getting mad hearing those words from the doctor. He clearly explained the present condition of my dad. In the meanwhile my in laws came with her sister, who was a nurse by profession.

Then we three went in search of the senior doctor to enquire more about my daddy and his condition. We wandered all over the hospital to reach the doctors.
But we have to wait for hours to reach him. At last we reached him, he came with us to see my daddy and show us his current status.

We three reached the ward where my dad was actually admitted, and entered in. The doctor asked for his previous reports to give us the current status.

He was going through the reports one by one and he looked hopeless about my daddy. The duty doctors and chief doctor were discussing in medical terms which was hard for me to understand.

We waited patiently until their conversation was fully over. I was starring at each other's mouth, as my in laws sister was a nurse by her profession she understood what they actually meant.

Next the doctor started explaining me of the my dad's condition, my blood was turning cold for each and every term he spoke with me...

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