Day Two

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It was 25th April, Tuesday, It was 12.a.m I got a call from my husband, he wished me for my birthday, then I remembered oh it was my birthday today. He talked not for more than 5 minutes. Then my sister who was sleeping near by wished me too and then my son, he kissed me and hugged and said "Happy birthday Amma". Then we three slept altogether.

That morning I woke up by 5.00 a.m, as it was still a jetlag for me.My son too woke up and we both came downstairs, I saw everyone including my mom lying down in the living room. When I came my mom my aunt everyone was awake, I went to kitchen to make some hot milk for my son as he said he was hungry. After he completed drinking his milk my aunt and my cousin wished me for my birthday. They shook hands with silently whispering happy birthday as everyone was sleeping. My mom asked me why are they hand shaking to you? I replied with shaking voice, "it's my birthday Amma".... My mom had completely forgotten about my birthday, she was not able to concentrate on anything else than my daddy. She didn't wish me even after saying that it was my birthday. I really felt crushed inside.

I went up and took bath, got ready to go visit the temple. I came downstairs and went to my mom fell at her Divine feet to get her blessings, it was a bit wounding for me as I never fell on my mom's feet alone, I used to fell both of my mom's and dads feet on my birthday's to get their blessings. But this birthday I never want this to happen ever in my life.

I started to temple with my grandpa, we offered flowers, deeps(lamps) to the god and did Archana (prayer) on his name and prayed for his sooner recovery. Then we returned home had our breakfast and started to the hospital to visit my daddy.

Today I eagerly went to see my dad, he was still sleeping. I first touched his feet to get his blessings.  I slowly went near him and whispered " daddy this is chithra" suddenly my dad opened his eyes as wide as he could and saw me. My eyes was flooded with tears, but I was damn sure not cry in front of my Lovable daddy.

He just glanced at me for two seconds and his clouded eyes started to shut automatically as he was given drugs to make him sleep. Again I just wanted my daddy to look at me for atleast another two more seconds, so went near him and now I raised my voice a little louder and again said " Daddy am chithra your daughter has come to see you daddy"... He again opened his eyes wide, his eyes were looking yellow and cloudy and I hope​ he hardly see me, even though he could hardly see me, this time he looked at me for 5 seconds and his eyes was shut again. I slowly said " Daddy it's my birthday, please wish me daddy". But I couldn't find any movements in him.

I went near his ears and spoke, " Daddy do you recognize me?" He nodded "yes..." I again asked him "please call my name atleast Daddy, I will take this as my birthday gift"... He then opened his eyes and whispered slowly "chithra".... I was really jumping from sky to earth as my daddy called me by my name. I hardly couldn't​ explain how I felt...

Then with this happiness I went home and told my mom, "Amma daddy called me Chithra".. my mom exclaimed "really?!" She couldn't believe that. I said with full of happiness all over my face and said " Amma our daddy will definitely come back to as soon, don't worry Amma... I got some new hope today seeing daddy, please Amma don't keep on crying for Daddy... He ll definitely come back to us..."My mom nodded, but her eyes was wet and she could hardly speak.

Then I got a call from my mom's brother, he informed me of soursop - A fruit that cures cancer, but he said that he couldn't reach the person who is selling that. So he give me his contact and asked me to keep trying until I get his call connected.

I felt like the almighty had showered some new Ray's of light on me. I tried calling the number which he gave, within few rings the person at the other end recieved my call, I couldn't hold my happiness and I started enquiring about the product and price details and when I would receive the product.

He responded and also sounded more positive which emerged some new buds of hope in my life. He briefly explained how to use, the correct measurements, quantity of the product to be consumed and so on. He ended up the call by informing me to collect the product near the travels agency.

I again called him and noted down as I easily forget things and also was not in a situation to remember things at that time. So I noted down all the measurements and also asked for alternative measurements, in case these quantities are not allowed in hospital.

I cleared all my doubts and was eagerly waiting for the next day to collect my medicines from the travels...

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