62. Summer and 3rd year of college

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3rd PoV:

It had been 8 months since Bob and Misty started dating. The summer when Misty and her friend got out of sophomore year they made the decision to keep the house for another year. Yet not everyone stayed all summer.

Kate and Devon took a trip to New York before heading to Hawaii. Tony got a better job at a mechanic shop and was working their all summer and was learning many new things and taking extra summer business classes. Zach and Marie went to Italy so he had some inspiration for art. Bob and Misty stayed the first week in Maine before road tripping part of the east coast.

After the first month of summer everyone got busy and Misty, Zach, Kate, and Tony all hung around and had their own mini vacations.

It was towards the end of July when most of the 100 cast and the group of four took a month trip to Canada.

Bob got Misty some photography opportunities, her nature pictures ended up being used in magazines. She also had a trial to take pictures for The 100 cast. Kate also had a trial for pictures as she also wanted to become a photographer.

By August the four had different jobs and an amazing summer. The groups hung around the house for nearly a week before the 100 people left.

Now they were ready for their third year of college.

Almost immediately Tony met a girl that he was head over heels for. They ended up dating and having a great relationship.

Halfway through the semester Misty got an opportunity to do the other half of the semester abroad. The 100 was being filmed in Vancouver for the next four months. So Misty figured it would be a perfect opportunity to explore for her to explore by herself for a few weeks before being able to see her friends frequently.

Some days Misty spent away from everyone working on college stuff as Bob filmed. Other days the two would go on adventures or romantic dates. A few times her and the cast would hang around the town or just have a movie night at someone's apartment.

Zach ended up flying out for a weeks when some of his classes ended early. Kate also managed to come and visit every few weekends. Tony would visit whenever he could.

During the winter holidays Tony flew home home. Zach and his siblings went to Florida. Bob and Devon came to the house and celebrated with Misty and Kate.

Misty and Bob had snowball fights and cuddled under blankets. They had hot chocolate and decorated the house together. On late night walks they almost always ended up having a romantic kiss in the snow.

On New Years Eve Misty convinced Bob to go to a college party. Misty was now 20 and Bob was 22 so they both ended up tipsy. Which also ended up with them passing under mistletoe many times.


When the second semester rolled around they were all apart again. Misty and Kate continued photography and classes while doing other jobs to afford their house.

Tony was meeting new people and doing more things related to business so he could start off right out of college. Zach was constantly working on art to pay bills and improve his career.


A few months later The 100 cast had an interview to do in the area as Mistys gang. They all met up and went on hike. Turns out half of them aren't as athletic as they thought of.


Misty swears as she sits at the table trying to study for finals. "Why are they so stressful?" She mumbles.

Misty turns and looks at their calendar to see the Eiffel Tower and smiles. Only a few more weeks. Exams would be be over soon then they'd get out of this year of school. Bob and Misty were going to Paris for a month.

"Misty!" Zach yells.

"In here!" She responds.

Suddenly three people run in. Zach and Tony sit across from her and Kate sits next to her. Misty cleans up all her work and pushes it to the side, "What's up?" She questions.

"We need to talk future." Zach says seriously.

Misty frowns, "What kind?"

Kate sighs, "We love the house."

Misty nods in agreement.

Then Tony speaks up, "You know where we are going with this."

Misty nods and she does. They stayed here two years and they love it. But they are going to be seniors they weren't sure if they should stay or move in with other people or hell move in with their boyfriend or girlfriends.

"What do we do?" She asks.

Kate shrugs, "Devon likes Maine but not to live here."

Tony sighs, "Me and my girl aren't ready for any moving in and I ain't close with anyone enough to live with them."

"Ditto." Zach says.

"I don't think that we should move," Misty starts, "None of us have relationships that can move in together in Maine. And none of us are close enough to move in with anyone. This place has become part of our life and it's a great step into adulthood you could say. Hell we all live here with our friends before we get to actual ahdulting."

"That's true." Zach grins.

"I like the sound of that." Tony says.

"Agree." Kate says nodding.

"Okay than." Misty says smiling at them.

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