40. Friends advice

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(These chapters are taking place in the same day, Misty 'confronting' bob and vice versa so yeah)

Misty; Marrrrrrrrrie

Misty: i did something without thinking and idk how to function

Marie: what did you do??

Misty: well you saw my tweet and like well, Bob asked who my crush is and like well ITS HIM and just like what do i say?? im not good at this. The last time I had a bf was for like 2 months in freshman year of college

Marie: you should tell me that story as i type advice and we can read eachothers after

Misty: odd but okayyyy

Misty: Well I had dates and boyfriends in highschool. My highschool boy and I were serious but than we both started being distant and idk there was just a bitter breakup and we had fights as 'friends' later and after we graduated we became civil but there was a lot of tension for a while. So then first year of college and we all lose our shits. I mean so did I but around march I got a bf we dated for 2 months. We werent that serious and it was fun until the parties and classes, and other people got between us. I mean that wasnt the best ending for us yet we kinda are friends now. Like we will talk if we are next to eavhother somwhere. I don't want to lose Bob if we date.

Marie; Tweeting you have a crush without thinking Bob would say somthing, smh. yet Tony did tell me he said he has a crush on you. which i believe because he gets all happy and blushes whenever you text. so now I do think he likes you and you should tell him how you feel. Maybe then you guys can have an honest conversation as we do also meet in 15 days.

Misty: okay good idea I just need to figure out how to get my words together

Marie: what a story but yeah just talk to him, hes human to

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