19. Misty can't charge her phone

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*Long Crazy IRL chapter*

Misty PoV:

Hot Bob: well and Richard, you know he followed you first and you like Murphy...



As I go to respond my phone goes black and I mumble a few swears and go to move towards the charger. "MISTYYYY!" I hear Kate yell.

"Misty! HURRY IT IS AN EMERGENCY." Tony screams up panicked.

I drop my phone and dash downstairs. I turn into the kitchen to see a bleeding Zach on the floor.

"What the fuck?" I ask horrified.

"I stabbed him!" Kate mumbles then sits down on the ground.

"You didn't stab him dammit." Tony mumbles.

"She mine as well have." Zach hisses.

"Kate call 911." Tony says pointing to the phone.

I grab a nearby towel and put it on his side.

"What happened?" I ask angrily. I get angry when I am worried because my friends do dumb shit.

"Zach was mad about whatever and Kate made some comment. I walked in a few minutes later to see Kate push Zach and he was holding a knife and the way she pushed him made him cut his side or something I don't know! He is bleeding a lot! Fuck."

I nod but all I can feel is my stomach in a knot and my heart pounding.

"Shit Shit Shit." I press the towel to his side trying to make it so no blood gets on my hands.

Kate rushes in, "The ambulance is on their way, shit Zach I am so sorry."

Zach nods then looks at me, "If I die....keep my snap streaks going. You know my password."

~Time Skip~

The medics rush in and get Zach . Zach grabs Kate and makes her go in the ambulance with him.

Tony and I pause at the fence and watch the lights move away.

"Shit." He mumbles.

I look down to see my jeans covered in blood. I never took of my sneakers so I look at the bottoms and the blood dried their too. Looking at Zach it is the same except he has blood on his hands. "I feel like I'm going to faint, this is gross. I love Zach but his blood nasty."

Tony nods. We rush into the house I grab my keys and Tony quickly washes his hands.

Then we speed off forgetting that we look like a mess. As I speed down the street Tony yells a at me telling me to slow down. When I do Tony starts talking, "Yo Misty calm down. Zach is going to be fine. It wasn't that bad,"

"There was a lot of blood!" I exclaim

"Yeah, just because it was a slash. He is going to be fine."


"I promise he will be fine." Tony says softly.

"Okay." I nod but then panic, "Do you have your phone?"

"No, I was gonna text Kate, can I get yours?" He asks.

"What? Ah damn. Mine is dead not even charging...." I sigh annoyed.

Tony shrugs, "By the time we get there, they should have fixed him up anyway."

"That's true."

We sit in silence for about a minute before I realize something, "Tony."


I nearly laugh at how weirdly he says it but then say, "Dude, I was texting Bob and-and he got insecure, shit and I went to respond and I my phone died. I left him on read. I mean I feel bad damn, and I won't be able to text him back. Then well Zach is injured and I'm worried about him and I feel bad because Bob doesn't know what's up and he got emotional and i leave him on read and ugh emotions!"

"Why didn't I drive?" Tony mumbles as I rant.


"Yeah yeah, but hey Zach will be fine then you can text lover boy whenever we get back."

"He's not lover boy." I groan. "We are just friends."



We rush into the hospital and after finding where Zach is we head off. Jogging down the hall we see Kate who jumps off the chair.

"Any news?" I question.

She nods, "Doc came out told me he's fine. Well basically he said it looked so much worse than it is. There was just a lot of blood, it was a long cut nothing serious though. Zach got stitches then pain medication he is sleeping right now. Doc said he should wake up soon and we can take him home. Zach just gets meds once or twice a day. Can't rip the stitches and has to relax for two weeks than he gets them out."

We nod and take a seat. Just as said Zach wakes up soon and a doctor talks to him. Then we go into his room.

"Yoooo Zach how does it feel for a friend to stab you?" Tony asks.

Zach flips him off but Tony gives him a side hug. I hug him next and then Kate goes but her is full of apologies.

Zach laughs, "Kate it's fine don't be stupid-and don't make me laugh can't rip the stitches."

I grin always a tough guy.

Zach speaks again, "Well since I'm okay let's take a hospital picture."

"What the fuck?" I question

"How are you going to ask that when you and Tony have blood on your clothes." He says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes but the three of us crowd around Zach and Tony takes the picture.

I laugh as Zach captions it "Hospital Vibes." and posts it to his Snapchat. Weird but the rest of us logged into ours and did the same thing because Zach wanted pity girlfriends.

"Your weird Zach Russel." Kate mumbles and Zach rolls his eyes at his full name.

Zach then takes a picture of Tony and I and posts it on all of our snaps. Why are my friends covered in blood??

After that Zach gets changed and we take him home after strict directions from the Doctor. We get in the car and start driving home with Tony driving and apologizing anytime the car jerks or hits a bump.


What a crazy chapter.

Who has a friend like Zach that's posts all the crazy stuff on Snapchat?

Or asks to keep the streaks if he dies....

I started writing this chapter then I didn't know where I wanted it to go so it's just crazy with a calm ending.


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