41. Friends

235 7 1

Bob ----> Misty

Misty: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Bob: Sooooooooooooooooo

Misty: you said you had a crush on me

Read 4;56

Misty; ???

Bob; Sorry I tripped and fell over a suitcase.

Misty: Nice

Misty wanted to ask what he felt before making a complete fool of herself.

Bob: But uh maybe yeah

Misty: thats okay

Bob: it is?? your not like creeped out??

Misty: nah. But it's okay because maybe my crush is on you....

Once Misty hits send she runs across the room leaving her phone on the bed and waiting for the buzz. Ohhhh fuck Risky texts why?? She thinks as she curls up.

Bob: Shit really??

Misty: Yeah

Bob: Guess we should talk more about this so here I go,

Bob: We have been texting and talking for about a month now and at first you fangirled a lot and you always said you loved me. I always thought it was cute even if you were just a fan and thought of me as some great guy. I hoped to live up to that because I am just some guy. I always said I might date a fan and as I first met you all you did was flip out but then we really got to know eachother and damn it was great. You saw me more than Bellamy Blake and more than a famous actor you saw me as me. We have had late night talks that get really deep or you text me random stuff when your bored in class. I just think your amazing and I do like you.

Misty: omg that is so sweet 😭😭 I honestly did you see you as some amazing actor. Then we talked and I could only think 'holy shit he is amazing and sweet' and after our talks all I could think was that I always want to talk to you. And whenever we got off FaceTime I was sad because I felt lonely and thought that I want to meet you so much. Your adorable and funny and just omg ajdjdhdh

Bob: honestly same I want to meet you so much

Misty: yeah I mean I like you but I'd rather meet you first and hang out with you before anything.

Bob: me too. We should just talk and be friends before we do anything. Then when we meet we can decide from there

Misty: This plan sounds lame but I know it's actually going to great because we are great friends and we can go from there after we find sometime to meet

Misty: so Internet Friends?

Bob: Internet Friends.

Internet Friends     {Bob Morley}Where stories live. Discover now