Chapter 19 ~ No Pressure

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"The new Spider-Man movie is out! The new Spider-Man movie is out!" Cara yelled dancing up and down, Y/N groaned rolling over in the bed, glancing at the time on her phone. She was ready to snap at her friend before she realised that it was 3 in the afternoon.

"Oh my god! You have to come see it with me!" Cara yelled excitedly as Y/N groaned once again, shoving her head under the pillow.

"Why did you let me stay up so late last night?" She asked sighed and rubbing her forehead, blinking her eyes which were still hazy from her long sleep. Cara looked over at her friend from the edge of the bed.

"Because you wanted to watch another episode, and then another episode, and then I went to bed and I think you watched the whole show," Cara said as Y/N scrunched her eyebrows trying to remember any of the details about her show but her mind was blank.

"Sorry Cara," Y/N said sadly, before nuzzling further under her bed sheets. "I don't feel like going out today."

Cara sighed, looking at her friend with disappointment but a hint of understanding, her hands falling into her lap and her excitement seeming to fade, Y/N felt a slight surge of guilt.

"I should go and rant at Yoongi for rendering my friend house-bound," Cara said flopping back onto the bed beside Y/N's legs. Cara then looked at her with cute sadness.

"Who am I going to fangirl about Tom Holland with?" She pouted, as Y/N sighed, before an idea popped into her head.

"Namjoon?" She piped over as Cara went quiet for a few seconds, before rolling over onto her stomach and pulling back her bed sheets to look at her friend.

"He's into Spider-Man?" She asked hopefully.

"He's a massive nerd, I'm pretty sure anyone who would discuss theories about aliens with you would be into the same stuff as you," she said as Cara smiled brightly, before pushing her face into the covers and sighing.

"A little off topic but he's not just a nerd, I'm pretty sure he's kinky," Y/N said as Cara gasped, pushing her torso off the bed, but her legs still hung out behind her as she looked at Y/N with a shocked expression.

"You mean the fanfictions were right?" Cara asked, still sounding slightly shaken by the new information.

"What fanfictions?" Y/N raised an eyebrow as Cara seemed to blush slightly.

"What the hell have you been reading?" She asked as Cara sniggered slightly, before rolling back over and staring at the ceiling.

"Nothing," she sang out, as Y/N playfully kicked her friend's shoulder through her bed covers. She had never thought Cara would be into those kind of fanfictions.

"You don't need to be a psych major to know you're lying," Y/N said as Cara rolled her eyes at her friend, before pulling her legs up into her lap.

"It was an accident," Cara said, underlying shyness now filling her.

"No, you're birth was an accident, that's different," Y/N said cheekily as Cara hit her friend's legs, laughter filling her as she smiled, before they both became to lazy and ended up lying still once again.

"You're lazy," Cara said to her friend.

"You're creepy," Y/N retorted.


"HE WAS THE PERFECT SPIDER-MAN!" Cara yelled as she and Namjoon exited the Cinema together, her slush still half full as the night air hit her.

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