Chapter 7 ~ You Thought Wrong

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There was another silence, everyone seemed to be frozen. Y/N wasn't sure what to do or what to say, so she just stood beside Yoongi who was silent.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin finally asked, his grudge against her evident in the way he spoke. She smiled at him, Y/N wanted to be sick.

"Does there have to be a reason?" She asked, still smiling.

"Yes, actually there does, or I'm slamming this door so hard in your face that-" Jimin began but Yoongi held up his hand telling him to be quiet.

"Why are you here?" Yoongi asked quietly, Y/N noticed that his natural confidence had shrivelled up, he looked extremely nervous.

"Can I speak with Yoongi, Y/N and Jimin?" Yeona asked, Y/N turned and seen the boys all cast each other a weary look, before gazing over at Yoongi, who nodded.

They then all stood, and slowly walked toward he door to the hall, aiming their vicious glares at the floor instead of the woman in the doorway.

They opened the door and Taehyung gave them a sorry look before closing it.

"Why are you here?" Jimin asked her, repeating what Yoongi had said while folding his arms across his chest.

"I'm here to make amends," she said as Y/N inwardly scoffed. As if.

"I mean, we might as well all get along if I'm going to be seeing you all a lot, right?" Everyone went quiet at that.

"What are you talking about?" Yoongi asked her, all three of them confused.

"Bighit have decided that for some of the performances they are going to include some female backup dancers," she began, Y/N was ready to actually throw up, and she felt Yoongi and Jimin tense at either side of her.

"And I decided, why shouldn't I apply if Yoongi has found himself a new girlfriend?" she said smiling at Y/N, but Y/N could see the toxic look in her eyes.

"But that's not actually real, is it?" She asked leaning on the door frame, there was another silence.

"Ah, I thought so." She grinned, she felt Jimin's hands go into fists. Yoongi however, didn't look angry. To Y/N's dismay, she could still see the softness in his eyes as he gazed at her.

"I could tell. I never imagined you two to get along well," she said sighing, now Yoongi's jaw clenched, and his soft expression faded.

"We get along great, so don't bring her into this," he said as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Wow, so angry. I guess you're completely over me now," she said smiling, but the satisfaction in her eyes told Y/N that she knew that wasn't the truth.

The tension made the air feel heavy, Y/N's eyes fell to the ground, she wasn't sure where to look.

"Well, I guess that's all I wanted to say, I'll see you all in a few days anyway," she said waving, as Jimin finally got to do what Y/N could tell he had been wanting to. He shut the door. Hard.

There was a silence, all three of them staring at the door where she had been standing.

"Thank you," was the first thing Y/N said, turning to Yoongi. She understood how hard it must have been for him to stand up for her.

"Don't," he said harshly, before storming through to the hall, his shoulders angular with rage.

Y/N's eyes widened at his tone, watching him go with a shocked expression.

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