Mortal Meet: Vanessa Lindor

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I've stopped and started this one so many times I've lost count. But it's finally here! WOOO
Vanessa POV

Ugh. The only reason that little brat is in my group is because she's cute in a "I'm a good little girl" sort of way. And everyone knows whoever has the best looking people in their group rules the school. And to be Prom Queen I need to rule the school.

But that Hazel is getting on my nerves.

She keeps defying me, that stuck up brat. Yesterday she told me that we should try a different coffee shop instead of Starbucks. The worst part is, everyone else thought it was a good idea! I mean what's better than Starbucks.

I have had enough with Hazel. Prom is almost here which means, I think it's time for us to have a little chat.

Finally, it's lunch. The perfect time to confront Hazel about how rude she is. Everyone will be in the cafeteria to watch her downfall. It'll be big dramatic and perfect.

The cafeteria is just around the corner so I quickly make sure that I look flawless, now I'm ready to go.

I strut into the cafeteria wearing a face carved of marble like a queen before she has someone executed. And of course everyone looks my way. Everyone except for her. She just sits there and laughs with my friends.

As I walk over to my table where she sits I can't help but imagine how sweet this will be.

Once I'm standing behind her I wait for her to look at me, but she just continues to chat with my friends, at least they have the sense to look upon me in terror. I'd be enjoying their fear if it weren't for the fact that she is ignoring me. To gain her attention I clear my throat once, then twice, then three times. I start to clear my throat again but this time Hazel interrupts me. And all she does is simply state "Need a cough drop, Vanessa?" At that I nearly lose my cool. Luckily I have incredible self control.

She turns and looks me in the eyes, and I fire a glare back at her. "Actually" I reply sweetly, "I was wondering if I could have a chat with you."

Hazel narrows her eyes in suspicion but gets up and follows me nonetheless. As I lead her to one of the boring beige walls of the cafeteria I can't help but smile wickedly to me self. All is going according to plan.

As I stop at the wall I check to make sure that everyone is looking at us. And to my delight they are. Most people are trying not to be noticeable but others are staring plain and simple. This is going to be good.

"Excuse me, didn't you want you to talk Vanessa. If not I'm going back to the table." Whoops looks like I got lost in the beautiful plan of her destruction. So I turn my attention back too Hazel who has just spoken.

"Yes, I did ask you to talk to me. And, well, you see, it appears that we have a slight problem." I pause to look down at her. She just gives me an irritated sigh and motions for me to continue. So I do just that in the most patronizing voice possible "And sweetie, your the problem."

At that I expect her to drop to her knees begging to know what she did wrong. But no, this stick in the mud is determined to overthrow my kingdom. All she does is look me in the eye! Then, she has the audacity to smirk at me, the queen who could have her executed at any given moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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