The warrior was taught by her old teachers that the warrior will be graceful and at the same time fierce. Will help those in need but kill those who sin. In Crafttrion, the Six Shredders are portrayed as Gods. 'I-I.... can't... d-do this...'

Jon shrugged. "Jon honestly don't know. Jon only knows that he needs to find the warrior, the farm boy and the jester and go to the shack which is located at no-men territory."

Ashlie perked up when she heard where she and the other heroes will go and train. And as if a light bulb lit up inside her cranium, she got an idea.

"The no-men territory?! That's over 5000 miles alway! How will you three get there?" Bob asked, worried for the safety of his daughter, the farm boy and his, he assumed, future son of law.

Before Jon replied, The newly founded warrior yawned loudly. "Sorry pa! It's getting late I'm a bit tired..." She said as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm going to hit the hay... night Pa! Night Jon!" She kissed her father's cheek and hugged the jester, who blushed really hard.

"Night Sweetie!" Bob said to his daughter as she went upstairs to rest. The father turned back to the younger man and noticed he was blushing. The older man smirked and said, "So... when are you going to ask my daughter out?"

Jon blushed even more and shakes his head frantically. "W-what?!" He exclaimed.

The father just let out a heartily laugh, "I'm just kidding my boy!" He said as he gently pats the jester's back. "But if you are going to ask Ashlie out in the future, well then you have my blessing." Bob told him as the young man turned more red.

"An-anyways!" Jon squeaked, making sure he ended that conversation. "It's easy to get to the no-men territory! Jon knows a shortcut.... Well at least that's what the map said." The jester said unsurely. He pulled out the map and gave it to the father, trying to ignore the pain he was feeling on his shoulder.

The older man's eyes widen with awe, "Jon! You,
my son, have a war map! How did you even get this?! These are at least 2 emeralds!" He questioned the young lad.

"Wat, my friend, gave it to me." The young boy simply replied.

Bob just shook his head, chuckling. "Well, I won't stop you or Ashlie from leaving to save our world and stop the war but when will you continue your journey?"

Jon shrugged. "Well maybe in a few days or a week." He rubbed his neck with his uninjured arm. "I haven't even prepared any supplies yet... honestly I was planing to stay here."

The jester' statement earned the father a surprised look. "What do you mean you were planning to stay here?"

The jester sighed and looked down. "I've been searching for the shred shredders for at least 2 years. This was supposedly my last town to search if there are anyone in the prophecy before I call it quits and settle down in this village." He said. The young man looked at the father. "If it weren't your daughter... I wouldn't be able to find my passion for cooking, for making children happy, for giving me a taste of what a normal life feels like, and for half-completing my mission."

Bob smiled and gave the young lad a hug. "Well, after the war, you can stay with us and help with the bakery!" He offered him.

The young jester smiled. "Thank you so much Bob. For everything."

The father nodded. "Just promised me one thing son."

"What is it?"

"After the war, bring my daughter and yourself, alive and well."

Jon nodded with a determined look on his face. "Yes sir! I promise."



Many things happen during that time. Most of the time it's murders, theft, sexual harassment, run aways, parties, mid-night adventures, betting your soul to the devil, bullying green team, pulling an all nighter, sleep-murder your parents, watching someone's live stream, catching up with the latest episodes of your favorite show, making a song, reading more of those black files, getting your eye taken by one of your family members, creating a new series, making memes, finding a new ship to ship, making a deal with a dorito, preparing your funeral for tomor—

Well you get the picture.

Anyways, Ashlie Nine was doing one of those things.

She was packing her bags and planned to run away that night. Soon, she was done and slowly walked down the stairs, making sure the planks wont make a noise.

After defeating the noisy stairs without a pipe, she quickly went to the kitchen and took some of the food from the fridge. The young warrior had this whole plan ready. She'll go to the no-men territory and train hard until she is positive she wont be a burden on her team, family and....



Hello everyone!

Yes, I'm back.

Now lets get down to business.

So I notice that we have reached 1k and 2K everyone!



And to celebrate, I'm adding a bonus scene down the bellow the A/N!

That will be all!

Now go and enjoy the bonus scene!


"Aw... Ashlie didn't fall asleep."

"No we are not going to mess with her dreams."

"Awwwww... why not?"

"... ok you stop pouting there. Plus we have a job to do so shut up."

"Rude.... hey why is the camera facing in our direction?"




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