roleplay one-shot part 2

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Maui felt his own heart break. He loved Moana himself but with his reputation Tui would never allow it he wasn't worth.

Kissing her forehead he stood and loud enough for even Tui to hear and told the truth that broke his heart further.

"Moana, I made a mistake coming here I knew I'd never be accepted, but I came here cause I ..I loved you but I know your father would never consider such a thing and I know you should have better."

Going giant hawk he was once again gone.

Moana was shocked from his confession and ran until she couldn't anymore when he changed into his hawkform. She screamed his name and begged him to come back, but he didn't. Sobbing louder then before, her knees buckle from underneath her and she falls into the water until her chest. She kept crying and stayed on that exact same place for all day. Not eating, not checking the village, not even listening towards her mother who silently begged her to stand up and come back into the village. The ocean had responded to her sadness and had made the area around Moana dry so she wouldn't get sick.

"Please Maui..." She cried.

Tui finally walked out to his daughter to try and talk to her. "What is this? Why are you this upset?"

Maui had not gone far he had in fact gone to a cluster of rocks disguised as a sea turtle..

But he stayed well hidden from the island

She didn't want to deal with her Father at the moment, so she snapped at him. "You, that's why I'm upset." She stood up and turned around. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT." She cried out towards her Father. "Maui was- no IS the only man I would have ever considered marrying, but you RUINED IT." She pushed him on the chest and ran away.

Sina looked to her daughter "child if you truly want Maui go after him."

Moana sniffed again. "Mother, Maui is stubborn, it took me already quite the effort to get him to come here. Now I will never be able to get him to come back!" She told Sina while looking back at the ocean.

Sina smiled. "I know one way to get his attention..."

Moana frowned. "H-how?"

"if he thinks you're in danger he'll be back quick as lightning..I saw how he saved that little boy, I saw the injuries he sustain and protecting you from the sea serpant making him think you need him.."

Moana fiddled with her fingers. "I don't know..."

"well..." She started.

But just then no pretense was needed. A giant familiar shiny shelled crab sprang up on the island...

And it was trying to wreck havoc.

It was Tamatoa..

Directly jumping into action, she yelled towards some of the warriors to help the women safely on the mountain and ushered her mother to do the same.
"Hey Tamatoa, are you looking or me!?"

Tamatoa scrambled towards them knocking over fales.

"I'm looking for dinner." Tamatoa responds.

The screams going on around the town drew Maui's attention.

Sensing danger he forgot his trouble he hawk once more flew toward the island fearing for Moana .

Tamatoa spots Tui trying to sneak toward a boat meaning to go find Maui..but the crab started for him.

Maui crash landed between them.

"Hey crab cake, it's Maui time."

Moana had grabbed a harpoon and ran towards the gigantic crab. She wanted to catch his attention but soon noticed Maui coming in as his Hawk form.

"He came back.." She whispered.

Moana One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now