the undead

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there are some different things in this AU,

-Moana is not only child, but is the youngest of 9, she has 8 older brothers.(like the original concept of the movie) but five of them already left the bunch (or died). those who stayed are Sione (30)(father of Losefa (10)), Akamu (27)(father of Kalama (5)) and Ahohako (22).

-She's 20 now.

-grandma Tala is still alive cause she's badass and I didn't want her dead.

- Tui died when he was protecting Losefa of a zombie attack.

-They live in Hawaii (so not Motunui(nor Samoa, where many people believe she comes from)

-Moana and Maui were already a couple (on the verge of marrying)


A zombie plague spreads out on earth and Moana and Maui get separated. Now, two years later, Moana is still looking for him while being with her brothers, their wives and little nephew and niece. They traveled trough all the Islands of Hawaii, all of them understanding Moana's desperate try in finding her fiancé again.


A doe was silently eating some lone grass, not aware of the fate that was upon her in just mere seconds. A lone arrow sweeps trough the air, getting stuck in her neck. A second one hits her in the side. The deer falls down on the ground, dead in seconds.

"Such a beautiful animal, such a waste." Moana sighed, she heard small and big feet running in her direction and turned around. "You got it! That's just awesome, aunty!" Losefa told her with a big smile. The boy was only 8 when the outbreak came and just turned 10, the reason Moana killed this beautiful deer. Sione, the birthday-boy's father, came a bit later. "We can always count on your perfect shots Moana, well done." He complimented her and raised the doe on his broad tattooed shoulders before walking away with his son's hand in his.

Moana followed them soon after, another arrow in her bow for if a walker would approach them, or perhaps another animal for their small birthday feast.

They were still at the side of the bay, just arrived on Molokai. They lived in Oahu first, spending there two years in finding Maui, but soon understood he must have gone on one of the boats that would bring the Polynesian people to 'safety'. Moana lost her Father and oldest brother in those two years, well, at least she knew Fetu was alive in the beginning of the outbreak, he left soon after and they never saw him again, same for his wife and three childeren.

She really missed her oldest niece, Tamah. She was only six when the kid was born and was always giddy when they visited. They grew very close in a short amount of time and felt like a big sister to the confident trouble maker, which was partly Moana's fault.

They arrived back at the fastly selfmade fale in the woods and Grandma Tala and her Mother Sina directly greeted them with Masina, whom was the wife of Akamu. Sione's wife had died after an attack.

It was a small but feast-like birthday-dinner and the oldest of the kids was the happy-est he has been in a while. Getting them in bed was a hard task, but when they finally did so, the adults had a moment to breathe.

"I can't remember a single moment when it was this quiet." Sina told her children, who all nodded in agreement. The fire was still burning lively and didn't show any sign of dying out any time soon. "I hope we find Maui here, it can't be that he is far away, right? there is no chance that he left the Hawaiian Islands." Ahohako tried the popular conversation of the family when Moana normally wasn't around, but now she was. Unnoticed glances were given towards Moana, who looked at her youngest brother with a glint in her eyes that only told him to shut up.

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