pizza delivery girl storyline 2

501 15 7

Because I kind of like this AU XD

From now on, it doesn't matter how much words there are, but it does have to be above 500. Because I can xD

Maui has problems with his electricity, so instead of being able to get it home, he has to go to the pizzaria and eat a pizza there. 


Maui closed the door of his car and put his seatbelt on, he was planning on getting his pizza hawaii, because his damn housephone didn't want to work, nor did all the electricity in his house.

After driving a good 10 minutes, Maui could see Motonui Pizzaria. He sighed contently and hoped somewhere deep in that mind of his that Curly would be there.

Getting his car on the parking lot was an easy task, there weren't much cars and it was a peaceful friday evening. He got out of his car and got to the pizzaria.


The little bell rang, saying someone was getting in the shop.  Moana directly submerched from the kitchen to say hallo, but the word died on her tongue when she saw who it was. Instead, she looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a puzzled gaze.

Maui cleared his throat and explained. "My electricity isn't working and the data of my phone is on zero, so I had to come instead.." He saw the girl giving him an eyeroll but showed him a table anyway.

"A pizza hawaii I suppose?" Was the girls question and Maui nodded. Before she could do a step to the staff room he grabbed her arm. "I would like to have a coke with that." He said with a flirty grin and got another eyerol and a tug from her arm in return.

"A pizza hawaii and a coke." She murmured to herself and left to the kitchen.

"A pizza hawaii for table 7." Moana grumbled to her dad and continioud with other things.


In the meantime, Maui was aimesly playing flappybird on his phone, an old game, but he loved it.

He died for the 9th time when he sees something being placed on the table. Moana just gave him his pizza and was planning on going away when he clears his throat, showing he wanted to say something.

"Where is my, 'here is your pizza'?" Maui asked with a sly grin and got one raised eyebrow in return, followed by an eyerol and a sigh.

"Here is your pizza hawaii, have fun." Chocking in it. Would have been Moana's full reply, but she could hold herself from doing so.

She retured to the kitchen and watched the man eat his meal, she didn't let her gaze falter for even a second.

"Is there something interesting to see dear?" Moana jumped from grandma Tala's quiet aproach and blushed a deep red.

"N-no I was just watching the shop."

Grandma snorted. "Our shop is bigger than that one table, my Little Ocean. Now tell me, why the interest?" The question caughed Moana off guard and she just stared at her grandma, not noticing the quick glance she got from the man on the other side of the room.

"Grandma, what are you talking about?" Tala poked her in the side with her stick and she could swear she heard chuckling.

"Tell me, is it his muscles? Or maybe his tattoo's, I know how much you like tattoo's. Or is it his hair? Maybe the fact that he is a polynesian?" The old woman grinned after seeing tomato red cheeks and a confronted expression on the girl's face.

Grandma Tala could see trough every facade, and now, it was Moana's. She has been in great denail about having something for the big man, but now, she couldn't slip away for it. She tried to keep it hidden behind eyerolling and irritated sighing but it looks like he just got closer to her because of that.

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