pizza delivery girl part 3

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Maui's heart skipped a beat. It was her number, it was her voice. He couldn't surpress a deep and relieved sigh that was leaving his lips. "This is Maui, I hope this is Moana's number?" There was a silence on the other side of the call.

"Yeah, it's me."


A silence was on both the ends of the phone. It lasted for a bit less then a minute before Maui spoke up.

"Pretty smart, writing your number on my receipt, I was almost going to trow it away though." He joked and could hear a small giggle come from in his phone. "Then I'm lucky you didn't." She replied back.

Tapping his fingers on the counter, while fastly thinking if something to say, he blurred out, "Wanna go out and do something tomorrow?"

He heard rustling on the other side and suddenly perked back up when he heard her voice again. "Yeah I'm free after my shift tomorrow. Where are we heading?" Again, there was a silence between the two. "Um.. the park?" Maui tried out. He heard giggling on the other side. "There are three parks in our city Maui, which one do you mean?"

"Umm.. the one closest to the pizzaria?" He hoped she didn't mind that. "Yeah sure, we'll go there." Smiling to himself, he nodded, and then he could slap himself, knowing Moana couldn't see him. "Alright, that's settled, I'll pick you up after your shift and we'll go sit at the lake, okay?"

"My shift stops at 4 p.m tomorrow and I normally still have my work clothes on then. My home is a bit further from the pizzaria, so maybe, we meet there at 5? I can make myself ready then." The man felt stupid for directly wanting to pick her up after her shift and groaned silently. "Yeah of course! sorry for not thinking about it." He apologises. "Nah it's nothing. You're just used to my work clothes, that's all." She waved the problem away. "But umm, Maui, I really have to go now, my dad is getting worked up of me talking to someone on my phone while I'm at work. It gives a bad image, you know?" Maui agreed. "Yeah of course! See ya tomorrow then?" Maui questioned. "See you tomorrow Maui."


It's a quarter before 5 and Maui was already at the pizzaria. He was really curious on how Moana would look like with her normal clothes and hoped it would not be a turn off.

"You're here early, the pizzaria shouldn't open for another two hours for dinner time." He turned around and saw an old woman. He strugged nonchalantly. "I'm here to wait for Moana, a girl working here. She just had to get on some normal clotches." Maui explained and the old grandma smirked. "I know, Moana told me. I work here too, but mostly just in the kitchen." Maui's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Ohh... I didn't know that, sorry." Tala waved it away with a hand. "Pfff no worries, I'm just her Grandma and the mother of her Father. I'm fine with a small missunderstanding."

Maui nodded after that and focussed his vision elsewhere when He spottend movement.

Moana was walking towards them, dressed in flower shorts and a black tanktop. Her black All-Stars completing the look.

Maui coughed once to get his voice back and spoke. "You look lovely today, Moana." He started to compliment her. He earned a deep blush. "Thank you Maui, you look nice too." She told him and he looked at his worn out Maori themed t-shirt and baggy jeans. "Thanks... I guess?"

After a small silence, Moana greeted her Grandmother before walking away, towards the park. "Let's go to the lake like you said."

When the two arrived, the girl wanted to sit in the grass, before the nervous man interrupted her.

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