Part 1

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*Jungkook's POV*  

      I rushed to button up my shirt. I was frantically packing my clothes trying to make sure I had everything.  I ran to the bathroom and got as much as I could carry in the cabinet. We needed to get to the airport within 30 minutes or we would miss the flight.

      "Jungkook let's go, they won't take our bags if we're late what the fuck are you packing!" Yoongi exclaimed. 

      "I will be out in a minute, get in the car!" I yelled out the door.  I zipped the bags and sprinted out. It shut behind me and I practically threw the bags into the trunk. 

    Nobody spoke about me being late for the rest of the ride, just small talk. Namjoon had said himself that it would be nice to take a small break and think about the new album then, we were going to Busan. I laid back hoping that the car would go faster. Jimin reached over and grabbed my shoulder. 

      "Jungkook-ah, why won't you talk!" Jimin teased. I slowly removed his hand off my shoulder. 

      "I'm just tired alright," I didn't feel in the mood to be playing with Jimin especially after last night in the dorm. I pressed my head back farther into the leather seat. Through the window, I noticed the buildings passing by. I was aware of the uneven numbers and our nice flight but I honestly didn't care as long as I could sleep part of the way. The vehicle came to an abrupt stop. We got out and Taehyung threw my stuff at me. I slid on my mask, thinking about the things we could do in the city. Jimin appeared out of nowhere and was now right beside me.

      "So, who gets the window seat," He chuckled.

      "The smallest," I snickered. Jimin drove his elbow into my side, although he couldn't see under the mask I was smiling.

      We got through security and we're boarding the plane, everyone got in their seats and Jimin led me to ours. Willingly he took the window seat. While we were given the same boring ass lecture, Jimin leaned in.

      "How thin do you think the hotel walls are," He laughed.

      "It's been five minutes and you are already worked up about how loud you'll be," I replied. Jimin gave me this look as if I didn't understand what he meant. I quickly figured it out and pushed his head off me.

      "You're disgusting," I blatantly said without looking at him.

      "And you are too," Jimin smiled and softly closed his eyes. It was obvious he was referring to last night. I wanted to avoid everything about it.

      "Hyung..." I sighed, "What's wrong with you today?"

      "Lots, but that's besides the point, why haven't you said anything about last night?"

      "Shit, the one thing he had  to bring up," I thought to myself. How would I respond?

      "There's nothing to say," I said and shut my eyes to avoid him looking at me, I heard him drop back into the soft seat of the plane in defeat. Those moments became more awkward every time I remembered them. Jimin had came into my dorm with his laptop, asking if he could show me a song that we could dance to. We were sitting on the bed and while we were watching I moved behind him and grabbed his waist, tickling him. He shrieked but I continued. He got out of my grip and lunged at me, seizing my neck. 

      People touching my neck kind of a thing for me, it could be sexual or not, depending on the situation. Either way, my shoulders shot up and he was then the one on top, tickling me. I kicked the blanket which caused the laptop to start slipping off the bed. I noticed it and I dove, catching it just in time. I started to fall as well and Jimin grabbed the left side of my sweatpants, which lead to that side getting pulled down. 

      It wasn't a big deal, until Jimin reached down to help me up, with my free hand I took his and I pulled up too hard and or fast. Jimin was already close to the end of the bed and I was at an angle. I ran into his face, my lips pressed against his. Only half of his lips touched mine but it was still clearly a kiss. I let go of him, hitting the floor. We stared at each other as I cradled his laptop in my arms. 

      I couldn't tell if his face was red from embarrassment or the sexual tension, but I knew for a fact that my face was burning red, for both. I jumped up and safely dropped the laptop on the bed. I mumbled something about needed to use the restroom, walked into the bathroom, and shut the door behind me. 

      I stared at myself in the mirror, my face still the light red, almost pink tint that it was when the "incident" occurred. I wasn't in there for too long but when I came out, Jimin was gone. What made everything worse or should I say better was that I didn't break away from the kiss, nor did he.

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