Boys vs Girls

53 0 6

I swear I get along better with most guys in my city than the girls.

Is it because of my personality?

Or cause of the fact that I'm my mom's only daughter and I'm surrounded by guys at home???

Cause like the girls here are into shopping and boys and trying to look pretty and other junk like that and most of em are like snobby when it comes to certain things.

Like they'll see something really dirty and refuse to touch it.

And it's not like a simple 'no' they're like way too fucking ghetto about it.

Then it only grows worse with age.

I've known girls who were stuck up since they were little and they're way worse today.

But like the guys are just chill here. Sure some are assholes but the guys I know and are friends with are cool.

We all joke with each other and shit and talk about stuff like video games and anime before they start talking about sports and I'm just kind of there listening and learning.

I don't know where I was going with this chapter in all honesty.

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