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So I was listening to Sit Still Look Pretty and an idea came to my head: how does each incarnation of Hiku act??? So I made this list here! (Also slight spoiler warning for future stories??) I once again apologize for my cringe :)


Sweet to her loved ones but will cut your throat if you get on her bad side.

Evil and sadistic Hiku

Isn't afraid of taking people 'out of the picture' if necessary. Secretly loves animals and children and keeps her sad thoughts to herself. Is practically a yandere when it comes to Ghirahim.

Village Maiden Hiku

Delicate and sensitive. Gets easily flustered and has trouble making decisions. Mostly follows her heart and morals. Almost always attempts to please everyone around her.

Soldier Hiku

Independent and isn't very interested in romance. Puts others before herself and is willing to die for her family, kingdom, and people if there should ever be the need. Believes taking action is better than just sitting around most of the day (thus the reason why she refuses to take her crown as princess and instead fights as a soldier). Upon meeting Ghirahim, the only man she falls in love with, she becomes a major tsundere.

Gerudo Princess Hiku

Basically acts emotionless and bases her actions off of what is best for her people. Though she believes in and wishes for romance, she knows that there's a possibility of her never experiencing it because of her position (you'll see what I mean in the final book of my fanfiction series. Maybe...)

Male Hiku (possibly the last incarnation)

Bottles up his feelings most of the time and is easily flustered whenever he's near his love interests. Often does things that lead to him being emotionally hurt but keeps it inside so no one will worry. Main codes of life: if the people he cares about are happy, then he's happy; a person's past does not define who they are now.

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