Trigger Warning btw

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Coworker: Hey did you guys hear the news?

Me: What?

Coworker: Well I heard the lead singer of Linkin Park committed suicide just the other day.


Someone please confirm if this is true I'm about to cry just holy shit...

Like not only do I love some of the band's songs and junk but just hearing someone turning to suicide in itself is just...horrible. And if my coworker was joking I am not going to be happy and he's gonna hear a mouthful from me next week.

As a suicidal person myself it's just...heartbreaking and I know a lot of other people are heartbroken at hearing such a thing...

And if you're suicidal or depressed or you know someone who is please seek out help. Talk to someone. A parent, a friend, go to a hospital or something. Just please go to someone. It will help you. Ending your life is never the right answer...

And if you don't know if or don't think anyone will support you or be there for you or listen to you, know that I am here. I will listen, and I will comfort you. I promise. Just please don't do it...

Thanks for reading this guys. Sorry that it was dark or anything. I didn't intend to make it so, but this was important. Thank you. See you guys next time.

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