Best Man *ss*

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"Well m'boy, your big day's coming up!" Arthur proudly said to George. "Who's going to be your best man?"

The smile on George's face quickly faded. "I... I don't really want a best man."

Arthur seemed confused, but did his best to hide it. "What do you mean you don't want a best man?"

"I mean that I'm not picking someone to be the best man at our wedding."

"Then who's gonna hold the rings?"

George sighed and looked at his feet. He felt his brothers, Ginny, Angelina, Harry and his mum staring at him. "I don't know" George said quietly.

"You need a best man George! You have to pick someone! You have four brothers to pick from, and friends as well!" Arthur yelled. "You have so many options!"

"But that's the thing, isn't it!" George countered, equally angry. Then, quietly said, "I only have four brothers to pick from."

A tense moment passed, and George excused himself to his room. He curled up on Fred's bed, and the tears he had held back began trickling out of his eyes, and into his hair. A few minutes passed, and someone knocked the door.

"Go away" George whispered.

"Love, it's me" Angelina called from the other side of the closed door. "Can I come in?"

"Fine" he said quietly, and turned so his back faced the door.

Angelina sat beside him on the bed. "I miss him too."

George snifffed, and Angelina placed a kiss on his temple.

"If you don't want to have a best man at our wedding, it's okay" Angelina said.

George faced his bride-to-be and gave her a sad smile. "We promised each other that we would be the best man at the other's wedding."

"George?" Ginny called from the open door.

"Come join the pity party" George answered, and sat up, wiping away his tears.

The three of them sat in silence, enjoying one another's presence. George finally broke the silence by saying to Ginny, "You were his favourite. After me of course. You are mine too."

Ginny smiled. "The two of you are my favourite too."

George thought for a moment, and an idea hit him. "I want you to be my best man" he told Ginny.

Ginny and Angelina both looked surprised. Ginny looked to Angelina for help. "But George..." the former started. "The best man needs to be... a man. Of which I am not."

"But why?" George asked.

"Why I'm not a man?"

"No, no. Why does the best man have to be a man?"

Ginny sighed. "Because traditionally-"

"Traditionally," Angelina interrupted. "George sees rules as suggestions."

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