I just wanted to let you know, I love you *ss*

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I found this picture and just had to put it up here:

Dear Fred,

Mum told me to write this letter, told me it would make me feel better. I don't see how because you will never see it and I will never see your reaction to it, but I don't have anything to loose, so here we are.

It's been a year since you died. Everything has changed, yet everything is the same. The joke shop is still going strong. Ron is helping me with it. It's not the same without you, though. He doesn't appreciate my jokes as much as you did.

I miss you so much. I keep thinking about how I never got to say goodbye, and tell you I love you. I do love you. I hope you know that even though we didn't say it much.

I'm struggling, Fred. I'm not going to lie. I pretend to be okay, I crack jokes, I laugh, but my heart is still hurting. I want to touch, hug you, to hear your laugh again. I keep praying that you're happy, that you're having fun with Tonks, and encouraging Lupin t lighten up. And of course, you're with Dumbledore. It's always a party when he's around.

Do you miss me? Do you ever think of me? Do you wish you were still here with me? I do. Everyday.

I'll stop writing now. I just wanted to let you know, I love you.

Your partner in crime,


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