Teddy Spider *ss/f*

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"Fred, is it ready?" George whispered, although there was no need for it. The twins were hid under Ron's bed- for which there was no need either as no one but them occupied the room.

Fred held up a vial he had stolen from Bill's unpacked school trunk. It contained a mixture of some of Bill's potion ingredients, and some strange things George had found locked up in their parents bedroom. After Fred mixed everything in a bowl with Charlie's wand (he thought it was just a stick, but realized it was Charlie's wand when he found that mixing with it had caused unicorn hair to sprout out at the bottom- which was the side that had touched the potion), the potion turned a strange greenish purple color. Or as George had put it, a strange purplish green color. The bowl cracked, and so Fred filled one of Bill's vials with the potion, some of which touched the floor. This, in turn, created tiny holes where spiders appeared.

Fred threw the bowl out the window, then he and George promptly ran down to bury it. Once their mum had left the house with Ginny and Ron, George got the idea of pouring the potion on Ron's teddy bear, to see what the potion did.

Now, on Ron's bed, Fred uncapped the vial, and allowed a few drops to fall on the tattered stuffed animal. The twins stared at the teddy bear for a while, waiting for something to happen. George picked up the teddy bear and looked it over, and placed it back, disappointment.

"It's not doing anything, is it George?" Fred asked, equally disappointment.

George shook his head and said, "Maybe we should pour more."

Fred nodded his agreement and tipped the vial again on the bear. When no change seemed to appear, George snatched the vial and emptied its contents onto the head of the stuffed bear. The twins stared at the bear, hoping for some form of change. But nothing occurred. They concluded that the potion wouldn't do anything when Ron walked through the door with his mum.

"Mummy!" he whined. "They're in my room again! And they're being mean to Mr.Fuzzles."

Molly did nothing to hide the sigh that escaped her mouth. "Fred. George. Out."

The twins did as they were told, and George washed the vial out of his mum's sight. While he and Fred were putting it back in Bill's trunk, they heard a scream from Ron's room, and raced to it, their mother at their heels.

Pushing the door open into their youngest brother's room, Fred was the first to see the huge spider on George's bed. Ron ran to his mother, and began stuttering through his tears. "M- Mr. Fuz- Fuzzles. I hug- hugged him and he- he became a- a- a- a huge, ugly monster!" Ron pointed to the huge tarantula on his bed, and hid his face in his mother's robe, wailing.

Fred and George shared a knowing smile that did not go unnoticed by their mother. The twins were punished with chores the rest of summer, but the twins felt they got the better end of the deal- what with laugh they shared every time Ron screamed after seeing a "Mr. Fuzzles monster! Mummy!"

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