I Remember you too *ss*

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A/N: I finally updated! Yay! I am really running low on ideas, so let me know about any facts or story ideas that you have through the comments, or pm me! Other than that, I am working on a new story called "You know me". It is written in texting format. I want to get most of the story written and edited, so I will be publishing it on Wattpad around August. Enjoy this chapter, and remember to vote and comment if you cried! Or wanted to cry: 

Dear Fred,

I will never forget the first time I heard you speak. When you told your mother that you were George? That was epic! And Dumbledore told me that you tried to send me a toilet seat my first year. 

I would also like to thank you for making a joke out of the rumor that I was the Heir of Slytherin. I could never forget the way you and George would march down the corridors in front of me, yelling, "Make way for the Heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard coming through..." You nearly lost your sister that year. But saving her life, will never compare to the sacrifice that you made.

But my third year was the most memorable of my entire life at Hogwarts. How can I ever forget the moment when you let me have the Marauders map? You have absolutely no idea how much it helped me! I used that map for more things than just to get to Hogsmeade. But I'm sure you already know that.

And in my fourth year, who could ever forget you trying to enter the Triwizard tournament? The two of you being thrown out looking like old men, was the highlight of my year! Yes, I allowed you to have my winnings, but that was because I knew you would accomplish more with the money than I would.

Come my fifth year, you not only joined DA, but also disrupted and humiliated Umbridge. I mean, a person would have to be pretty dumb to forget that. Your exit was absolutely amazing, and you did make a statement. I am glad to inform you that Weasley's Wizard Weezes is still in business, and doing very well at that.

And my sixth year, I just adored looking through your things. I wish I could forget some of the things I saw in there, but at the same time, I don't want to. George has fixed all those pranks, and they are selling quite nicely at Weasley's Wizard Weezes.

Then my Seventh year... You did so much for me. You and George brought laughter and light when it was wanted or needed. I could never forget your last laugh. The one that was still etched on your face when you died? It shouldn't have been your last...

Just know, that I have not forgotten you. I never could.



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