Fred'd death scene *ss*

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Angelina gave birth to twin boys. One was born dead. The other was named Fred. When George finished burying his dead son, the memory of Fred dying came flooding back.

George's flashback POV:

"Nice night for it" Fred had joked. "Shame for the death eaters, really."

"Fred, just shut up and throw some of Trelawny's crystal balls on smug ol' Lestrange's face" I said.

Fred threw the crystal balls and hit Lestrange on the back of her head and broke into a million shards.  

"Oh! That had to hurt! her pride that is..." he commented.

"Fred! Do you hear yourself? That women hangs out with a nose-less bloke. Honestly, what pride does she have?"

But I wish I had chosen different words, for these were the last words I ever said to him.

The enchainment charm had been broken twenty minutes earlier. A ferocious battle was stirring  in the courtyard. A battle that we were more than likely to loose. But, nobody needs to know that I think that.  The witches and wizards in the courtyard now faced death eaters who were throwing hexes and curses this way and that. I caught sight of a killing curse flying towards Lee Jordan's back, who was madly throwing spells at another death eater. He turned around just in time to jump out of the way. The death eater Lee had formally been dueling was hit by the killing curse and fell to the ground. He (or she) deserved it. I looked at the murderer, but he had a mask on. The coward I thought. The mask to hide his face, in case his 'Dark Lord' failed, and he would have resume his normal life.

Looking around, I didn't see the Dark Lord's key followers- such as Lestrange and Malfoy. In fact, I didn't see the Dark Lord himself. A coward, or a man with a plan?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a jet of red light shooting towards me. Before I had time to draw my wand, the cruciatus curse hit me, and every bone in my body was on fire. I barely noticed my screaming, all I saw was pitch black, and all I wanted was for this to end. I felt my skin cracking, felt tearing away from my flesh. Then finally, it stopped. After I collected myself, and opened my eyes, I heard another scream to my right. A scream so much like mine. My brother's scream.

I forced myself to stand up, and , pulling out my wand, looked around for the foul scum, who had the ability to do something like this to another human being. 

Then I saw her. Bellatrix Lestrange. She laughed viciously as she held the beam of red light on Fred, who's scream hurt my heart. Next to her stood Narcissa Malfoy. But I didn't think much of her. My full concentration is on the woman causing my brother pain. Raising my wand, I yelled


Lestrange knocked back against  the wall, and I caught her wand. I didn't care what became of her after that, I fond Fred twitching on the floor, and helped him sit up against a pillar. I feared the worst as he began gasping for breath. Thank God.

I heard a growl that notified me that wand less Lestrange and Malfoy weren't our only company. I turned and came face to face with the creature that children feared as much as the Dark Lord himself. 

Fenrir Grayback. The werewolf. 

"Hello Grayback" I said, surprised at how calm my voice was. "I believe you've met my brother Bill."

I nudged Fred with my foot, telling him to stay still so the wolf would think he was dead. I was taller than Greyback, but that didn't make me any safer. I raised my wand and retreated three or four steps.

Think George, Think. What keeps a hideous beast away from your arteries?


The wall on which Lestrange had fallen, shot bits of itself onto the wolf, which advanced on me. The wolf's drool dripped on my arm. His foul smell made me gag. I did the only thing I could think of. I pierced both of Greyback's eyes with my wand, and Lestrange's wand. Howling with pain, The wolf threw out Lestrange's wand, which was caught by it's owner. She began yelling curses at Fred, who conjured the shield spell. Then he yelled 


Lestrange face planted into the floor, and Fred looked over at me. "You were right George. What pride does she have?"

As Fred and I laughed at his joke, a green jet of light hit him square in the chest. He fell to the ground, his last laugh still etched in his face. It took me a moment to realize what just happened. My partner in crime, my best fried, my brother, my twin. 

My other half.


Just like that.


I looked towards Lestrange, who lay motionless on the floor. The I saw Malfoy, with her wand raised. It was her who had killed my twin.

A mother.

I hoped she and her sorry son rot in Azkaban, like her dirt-bag husband.

For the first time, I looked directly at Fred. At that moment, I wanted Greyback to rip my heart out. I bet there wasn't anything in there anymore, anyway. It would not work without him, without my other half. Fred had always done everything first, and I had followed. I didn't really mind it. But this... This we were supposed to do together. I caught sight of Harry run past. This is all his fault. He brought the Dark Lord here. He brought Malfoy here. So he's the reason Fred's... Fred's.... He's dead!

Malfoy restored Lestrange and she got up. She looked at the seen in front of her, and, for some reason, Greyback began advancing on the Death Eaters who began running away.

"COME BACK, YOU COWARD!" I yelled at Malfoy. I wanted her to feel what I was feeling now. I wanted her to go through as much pain that I'm going through now. I wanted her too-

"George" Ron said from behind me. I wasn't sure when he'd come. Ron put a shaking and on my shoulder. Or was that my shoulder shaking? 

"Come on" he continued. "Let's take him to the Great Hall. Everyone who's... Hurt, seems to be there. Mum and Dad are there too."

I helped him lift Fred, and carry him to the Great Hall. It pained me when I realized that I would never hear that laugh so similar to mine, or see that sparkle in his eyes when he had a new idea. I had to accept what had happened.

Fred Fabian Weasley, is dead.

Looking around the Great Hall, I heard her before I saw her. Mum screamed from my left and ran to me. We carried Fred as far in as we could, and lay him down on the cold stone floor, his last laugh still echoed in my head. I stepped back from him. I couldn't do it anymore. Why him? I thought. Why not me? 

I didn't huddle around him like the others. He would forgive me. After all, I would live the rest of my life feeling empty. 

Again, I saw Harry. I caught his eye. I delivered two word to him through my eyes.

Kill Voldemort.

Weasley tragedyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin