Forever And Always Part 2

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Marcos POV

I burst down the door to the tailors. I run in and grab Christopher by his shirt making him drop the suit he was working on.
"WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!!"
"Where's who?!"
"Star, I know you took her!"
"What are you talking about?" He says rolling his eyes
"Dont play dumb!"
"Fine, I did take her...but I dont know where she is"
"How in heavens name could that be possible!!!!"
"I sold her" Shrugging his shoulders
"What??!?! To who?"
"I cant tell you, he said if we were going to do business I couldn't reveal his name"
"WHO DID YOU SELL MY WIFE TO?" I say in the deepest voice I have ever done
"Wow, dude, chill. Just to a guy just outside of town, his place is 40 paces into the forest from the first marker on the road" I drop him and run out the door with Tom running out after me with his eyes wide. I dont even wait for a carriage, I run out to the highway and find the first marker. I look up for smoke, there, on the left side of the road is a pillar of smoke. I run strait from the marker and into the woods.
I stop in the midst of a giant building with caged windows and a dark and dingy feeling.
"Dude, how can you run so fast?" Tom runs up behind me and is panting
"I have something to run for"
"Okay, touché" He looks up and sees the building "Where are we?"
"I think where we're supposed to be" I start to walk up to the door but Tom grabs my shoulder
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I love Star and will do anything to get her back, I dont care if you come with me or not" I walk up the steps to the building and open the doors. In a desk is a girl in a very skimpy outfit
"How can I help you?" I thought of yelling and asking to release Star but I thought that would cause commotion
"Id like to see your girls, alone"
"Yes sir" She leads me into a locked room with doors lined up on either side. She put a block in the door so it's barely open and leaves. I look in each cell each with beat and bloody females chained to the wall. The more I see it, the more I hope Star isn't in that condition. Finally, I get to the end and Star is in the cell chained up to the wall I open the door, grab the keys off the table and unlock her as fast as I possibly could.
"Star! You are never leaving my side again"
"Ok, Marco, I never want to" After we finish hugging I give her my cape and we walk out while the lady was somewhere else. And we run out the door.
Tom jumps out of the bushes "You found her! Yay, now we can get out of here"
"Tom just trailed along..."
"Whatever" We walked away and made our way back to the castle taking all the back allies and deserted streets so Star isn't seen.
Finally, we reach the castle and we run in. I walk her up to her room and sit down on her bed as she changes. When shes done she throws the old outfit out the window. I giggle a little
"Is this funny to you?!"
"No, not at all. I was just thinking of all the things we could do with it and that wasnt one of them"
"Oh, I guess thats kinda funny" she says with stillness only in her voice
"Honey, whats wrong?"
"I don't know...I just feel like crying" she whispers. "Come here" I open my arms and she sits on my lap and I close my arms close around her bringing her head close to my chest
"I am not going anywhere and I am never leaving you alone, you're stuck with me" I whisper in her ear
"OK"  she says through her tears. We were just sitting there on her bed, me holding her, her crying into my chest.
"Lets get married" she says wiping her eyes
"Yes, we were supposed to do that this morning so lets do that now. I'll throw on my dress and you your suit and we'll get married and dance the night away"
I shrug my shoulders "ok" she runs to her closet and I go to my room and quickly put on my suit then run back and see her there in her dress
"You look amazing" I say
"Thanks, so do you" she giggles making her the happiest I've seen her since I saved her.
We walk down the steps to the main entrance and there is no one. Just us and our love for each other. We get to the bottom and we recite the vows to each other.
"Do you Star Butterfly take Marco Diaz as your lawfully wedded husband. To love and to cherish through sickness and in health? Forever and on?"
"I do" and she starts to smile "Do you Marco Diaz take Star Butterfly as you lawfully wedded wife. To love and to cherish through sickness and in health? Forever and on?"
"I do" putting a huge grin on my face and we kiss. Showing we wont ever say goodbye. We walk hand in hand to the music and turn it on and we waltz. We do the 2-step, 3-step and every other step there is. We do ballroom dancing like there is no such thing as tomorrow. "Marco, I will love you forever and always" "Forever and always"

Finally, we are happy. Happy to hold each other in our arms and look into each others eyes like they're a light at the end of a tunnel full mess ups and gone-wrongs. And it's all over now, everything that made us miserable through our journey  is now over and we end the story. The story of 2 young teenagers in love and have to grow up, but will now grow up together. However, as this story ends with the music of love....a new one is just beginning......

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