The Wedding Prep.

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Marcos POV

"GET OFF HER YO-" I look at the figure and freeze. I never thought he'd do anything like that.
"Tom?" Star blurts. "What has gotten into you?! Why in this world would you do this?!?!?!" I had the same question but with a few extra words.
"Star...After you came to see me, I regretted sending you back to Marco. I wanted you back for myself, but I knew that would never happen because after my words you knew what you wanted. I wanted one last kiss from the lips of the girl I fell in love with."
"WHAT?!?!?! You little-"
"Marco! Here, let me settle this. I will ask you both the same question. Marco, you first. Why do you love me?"
"I love you because....I love you because....I dont know, I just do" I hear tom giggle a little but I tried to ignore it. I could only think of how I may have just ruined all future with Star.
"Tom, now you. Why do you love me?"
"Well thats easy. Because you make me laugh and make me feel appreciated. Like I'm meant to be on this world" For a spilt second I thought of my dream. Then I feel a tickle on my arm. I look down at it then up. Star has grabbed my arm...
"Why? I couldn't tell you why I loved you"
"I know, that shows you do love me. Tom, you failed. You only like me because you can say why. Only someone can say why if they are only a simple crush. Love comes form your heart. I will still be your life, Tom, but not as your partner, only a friend"
"Oh..." he says with disappointment. We turn around and enter the store and my mind explodes.
"Star, how did you know all that?"
"It's called the internet, Marco. Plus, I don't know why I like you. I just know I did"
"Aww, thanks Star"
"No problem, now lets get that table"
We find a table that is about 5 x 5 feet and took it back to the castle. We got to the gates and the guards brought it to Moon and Rivers room. The maids bring out the food and put it gently on the table. It's very full. They had to leave out a few courses to make it all fit.
"Please enjoy" said one of the maids
"Oh we will" say River and I at the same time.
As we munch through the delicious food, Moon and Star daintily eat their lunch. King and queen butterfly can hardly do anything. They are....disabled. I know star is worried but what is she worried about? Our marriage or running the kingdom? As we finish our humongous lunch we leave the table and help Moon and River back into bed. Star and I leave closing the door behind us.
"Well, an eventful morning, huh?" I say trying ot cover the worry burning inside me
"Marco, I'm only worried about running the kingdom, not at all about our marriage" How did she know thats what I was thinking?! "Didn't you say?"
"Didn't you say that you knew I was worried, but you didn't know if it was our marriage or running the kingdom?"
"No, well, I mean I did, but I said it in my head"
"What? And you said 'how did she know what I was thinking' in your head too?"
"Yeah, I haven't said a word"
"Well, then how did I know?"
"Are you telepathic?"
"Tell a what?"
"Telepathic, it means you can read minds like a voice is actually saying what is in someone's mind"
"I dont know,maybe. I've never had this before." We were both frazzled
"Wait did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"I said something in my head, maybe you can only do it when you want a conversation?"
"Maybe..." We walk gingerly down to our rooms. We stop at hers first.
"Marco, we should plan our wedding. It needs to happen as soon as possible. I dont want this kingdom in shambles by the time I get to it."
"Understandable. Well, lets do that now. Tomorrow we can get fitted, and we can look at other stuff today"
"OK, that sounds good" We head out to look at decorations and stuff all afternoon. We stopped first at the tailors to look at a dress and a tux for us and planned to have the tailors come by for measuring tomorrow. We buy all the other decorations for the wedding/coronation so we only have to worry about the outfits.
We hear a knock at the door and its the tailors. We run down and open the door. There they are standing with everything they need. We go into separate rooms and the man starts to measure me.
"So, how does it feel to be marrying a princess?"
"I dont know, I never thought of it as marrying a princess. I know I'm nervous"
"Arent we all. This the first time in years since a royal has married a non-royal"
"Oh, really? Huh..." after that we didn't really talk at all.

Stars POV

The woman and I go into a separate room than the guys. I hear faint mumbles coming from the other room so I start to talk to the woman doing my measurements.
"So...are you busy lately?"
"Quite, actually. Because of your wedding we have been getting alot of requests for dresses and suits for yours and Marcos wedding. We are very busy"
"Well thats good...right?"
"Oh, well, yes and no. Its good because we will have a little extra money but it's also bad because everyone wants their outfits for a certain time to have it ready for the wedding" Oh, I never thought of it that way.
"We could hold off the wedding till you are done all of the outfits"
"Oh, no, I couldn't put that on you"
"I insist, I want you to be there too. I would have my wedding with beautifully dressed people without the person that made them look so beautiful"
"Well, who ever survived turning down a princess" we both chuckle. I'm glad I've finally made a friend here on Mewni.
After a while she stands up and looks down at her paper "Ok, I think we're done here" I dont hear any mumbles so I suggest something..."wanna go scare the guys"
"I would love to" We giggle and run off to creep up on the guys. We quietly hide behind the doors...then......
"BOO!!!!" And we tackle them so they fall over onto the floor.
"What was that for?" Says Marco with a small giggle in his voice.
"Because we wanted to" We all just laid there and giggled here and there suddenly the woman pipes up,
"You guys are going to be great rulers of Mewni"
"Thank you--what are your names" They look at each other like they're wondering if they should share their names or something like that
"I'm Christopher" Says the man, "And I'm Callie" Says the woman
"Those are great names, well, Christopher, Callie, you both are invited to the wedding. Just give us a call when you are done all the outfits"
"Sounds great" and they leave, arm in arm.

Its 3 days later and Christopher and Callie just came with Marcos tux and my dress. We go into our separate rooms again to try them on.
"Ready to try it on?"
"Of course!" She pulls it out of the bag and the first thing I notice is that its a blush pink. Its hardly noticeable that its not white but still noticeable enough. She opens it up so I can step into it. Her and I pull it up, the next thing I notice is that is kinda ballgowny. Its very poofy. I put my arms in the sleeves, its off the shoulder.
She finishes zipping it up and I turn around to look at my self in the mirror.
"It's....It's beautiful..." I'm speechless... the top part has blush pink sequins  that blend in with the dress, they make the picture of a butterfly. The bottom goes out about a meter across with tool making it poof out to its size. It's floor length so you can't see my feet. The vail is a little longer than the dress to it makes a train for the dress. It's just purely beautiful...

Marcos POV

Christopher pulls out my tuxedo and I'm speechless. Its cinnamon with a blush pink shirt and a fuchsia bow tie. I'm sure Star looks beautiful in her dress...

A/N: Sorry this one ran so long, I got carried away in the chapter. Hope it wasn't too hard to finish. The next will probably be the last one in this book then the next book will come shortly after. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

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