Running Away

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Marco's POV

I stood there trying to firgure out what had just happend as I watch Star leave. I get out of my daze and I look around the once tall tower, that is now tuned back into what it used to be. I still couln't beleive what she said and that I just let her leave. I wanted her back. Suddenly my 8 year crush on Jackie was gone and I only worry for Star. When did this happen? This feeling, it can't be happening to me...can it? I need to go after her, it's the only way to get answers.
"Alright, Diaz, let's go get back Star," I whispered to myself. I pulled out my demsional scisors and oped up the portal to Mewni.
*in Mewni*
I step out of the portal from home and run to the castle, I didnt want to stop till I had Star back in my arms. I didnt care if it was Earth or Mewni, I just wanted her back in my life. I enter the castle and, I just wanna say, it's huge. I run to the throne room and there I see King Butterfly and run to him.
" Oh! Hello my boy!"
"Hello, King Butterfly, I nee-"
"Oh, you dont have to be so formal ma boy. Just call me River"
"Ok, ok, just-"
"Oh. Marco, have a seat"
"Ok, thank you but-"
"Marco, are you hungry? Thirsty?"
"No I'm good but-"
"Are you sure? My chef makes the best goods"
"Marco ma boy, calm down"
"Ok, I will just please stop inturupting me, that would be nice"
"Ok I'm done. Say what you wanted to say"
"Where is Star?"
"Oh, oh no, she didn't tell you?"
"Obviously not"
"Her and Moon are running away because .... Toffee...has returned. They couldn't stay or Toffee would go after them and all of us would be in danger. I don't even know where they went, Moon wouldn't tell me...she said it was to keep me safe..."
"I'm sorry for asking...I thought she'd be here'
"Oh, no, it's fine ma boy, I neede to tell someone and if I told anyone other than you it would get out and the Mewmans would worry"
"I understand, you dont have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to"
"I do, thats the thing, I want to go find them, but if I leave Mewni would have no one to rule them"
"I know, if I go without you I'd die, I miss her already"
"Why aren't you two together? You would make a great future king of Mewni"
"W-What? Furture king of Mewni?"
"Yeah, you know ru-"
"I know, I just never really thought of madrrying Star, I've always just seen her as my friend....or so I thought..."
"Well, if you do decide that you would like to be with my daughter, I will be completely supportive, now, let's go find them"

Star's POV

Mom and I look up through the portal and we are in a forest in Mewni. The forest of certaint death to be exact. I wish I didnt leave Marco like that, he probably has a million questions... I just want to go back and tell him why I left and everything he's asking. I snap out of my daze and I hear mom pipe up.
"Here we are"
"Where are we exactly?"
"Where we're camping for the night, since we probably wont be going back to the castle."
"Yeah, if we dont ever defete  Toffee then we have to continue running"
"But why would we spend our lives in fear?! I dont want to never see dad or Marco again! We can't live like this! We need to defeat Toffee and soon because if you try to make me spend the rest of my life in this forest I will leave you here and run back to Mewni!"
"Ok Star, we will destory Toffee as soon as we can, but I dont know where he is."
"Well then lest go find him"
"I'm not finding a dangerous evil doer just so you can back to your childish crush!"
"It's not childish! Its true love and we do need to find a dangerous evil or else we are never getting out of this forest!"
"Fine! Then you may as well go back to Marco and let him get in a dangerous situation so you can fulfill you 'love'"
"No! I wont kill him so I can be happy! I will die saving him before I go back to him and let him die for me!"

A/N: I know this was a really intense chapter but it will lead into the rest of the story in the best way possible. Hopw you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned!

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