Forever and Always: Part 1

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Marcos POV

We entered her room, I felt weird. I was just thinking now that I was cheating. I was going to come out to Star.
"Star....I need to break up with Jacquie. I dont feel right being with you at the same time of being with her"
"But you aren't, at least not to you...right?"
"Of course! But I need to break up with her so I dont have this guilt anymore."
"Ok, we can do that tomorrow"
"Thank you Star...for understanding..."
"No problem...I love you Marco"
"I love you too, Star" I was glad I told her, otherwise I would go on my life with the guilt of cheating on Jacquie. Yes, I still was technically dating Jacquie but I wasn't going to be for very long.

Star's POV

Marco told me about this and I felt bad about saying what I did.
"I'm sorry Marco, I shouldn't have doubted you"
"It's okay Star, I just felt I needed to tell you so I didn't just leave you without you knowing"
"Like I did to you..." She whispers.
"Star, I shouldn't have let you leave and a the very least this is Toffees fault"
"Yeah I know, I just feel I shouldn't have left you like that, it was horrible of me to leave you like I did"
"Don't feel bad, I'm just glad you're safe and by my side forever and always"
"Thanks Marco, forever and always" Then the same guard from before storms in...
"KING BUTTERFLY HAS COLLAPSED!!!!!!!!!!" He shouts....I freeze up.

Marco's POV

After the guard tells us, Star freezes. Without her answer, I answer in her place.
"Thank you for telling us, we will be out as a soon as Star is back to Mewni" I wave my hand in front of her face, I yell in her ear, I try everything but she's stuck in this state. I was rambling through my thoughts to try to think what to do so I do the first thing that comes into my head.... I pick her up, bridle style, then carry her out to the throne room where I see many doctors carrying River out to take him to the hospital. Then I see Moon kneeling in the middle of the giant room crying into her was a truly horrifying scene. I walk over to Moon as fast as I can hoping her presence would wake Star from her state. I set her down and Star dosen't move.
"M-Moon...W-what happened?"
"You knew *sniffle* he was sick...right?"
"Well, it-it advanced and...and...he collapsed" She starts sobbing again. I decided to leave Star and Moon to find out more about what was happening.
"Excuse me?"I ask a nurse that didn't seem as busy as the others, "What happened to River?"
"Well, he was already experiencing heart problems, however, the problem advanced to his lungs and he collapsed. We are hoping he is fine due to the fact that there would only be Moon left but we have no way of knowing for sure. We believe, unfortunately, that he may not wake up for a very long time if ever..." Her words trailed off. Talking to a nurse that sees things like this regularly you would think that they are used to'd be wrong. I thanked her for her time and went back to Star and Moon. Star had come out of her daze and Moon was squeezing her. This was all so devastating.
"How are you two?"
"Not well." Moon answers. I know thats true I just want to get some words out of them.
"Star, what about you?" She breaks out of her mothers arms and leaps into my arms
"I dont want to believe it! I want everything to go back to what they were just hours ago"
"I know, Star, I know"
"Thank you, Marco, for staying and not just leaving when something came up" Moon mentions.
"Of course I wouldn't leave, sons-in-law dont do that"
"Marco, when-when are we g-ge-getting married?"
"I dont...I dont know. Soon? Later? I dont know"
"What did the nurse say?" Asks Moon.
"She said his already existing heart problems advanced into his lungs and he other wont wake up for a very long time or..." I look at Star, back at Moon, she nods, then I cover Stars ears. She didn't seem to care. "Or not at all...However, there is no way of telling for sure and we just have to wait. Those are just the possibilities"
"Thank you for asking"
"No problem at all, Im happy to help"
"Yeah Star?"
"Are you still going to earth tomorrow?" I froze...I had forgotten about going to Earth to break up with Jacquie...
"I think so...I will come back directly after so don't worry. I just need to, Star"
"I understand. At least you're honest..."
"Thanks for understanding Star" And I kiss her forehead. The room was almost empty now. All the doctors and nurses had left to help River as soon as possible so they can prevent as much as possible. Just the three of us now, sitting here, the room we had been ,just a couple hours ago, fighting with....was that the reason? The reason for his issue was our denial to marry so early? I feel bad.

Star's POV

I was hoping Marco would say he wasn't leaving until everything was better.....but he didnt. I understood why but I didn't want to. I wanted to scream at him asking why...why he would leave, and he could leave at such a dire time but....but I understood. Suddenly he jerks. He stops blinking, stops moving, I thought he was dieing too until I realized he was still breathing stably. I took a breath of relief and looked back down. As we sat there in silence I could only think. There was basically nothing else to do. By the time they would be done testing dad visiting hours would be over, Marco and I weren't about to leave mom alone unless she told us to, and-
"It must be lunch time by now" Mom says
"Yeah, and I am starving" Adds Marco
"Well, lets go eat, I'm hungry too because of all the crying I did" I throw in. I try to giggle and make it beleiveable but I dont know how well that turned out. Marco starts to cradle me as he kisses me on the forehead and whispers
"I love you...forever and always"

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for waiting. Sorry it's been taking me so long to get out chapters, just prefer to take my time on them rather than to just whip something up that isn't good. Forever and Always: Part 2 wont come out directly after this one. There will only be 2 parts. Sorry if this is confusing but it's what I'm doing to help the story be better for you guys. Thanks for trying to understand my confusing brain ;). You'll get it. Also, I will be posting just an authors note either later tonight or tomorrow asking a question a would appreciate your input on. Thanks! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, I've been enjoying writing it. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned!

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