Delcatty: Run Surskit! RUN!!!

Lefeaon: Look, it's the Rhydon Box!

Weavile: (grabs a tip) Its an All In challenge. Get ready to be A-Maze-d.

Machoke: Heh. What a stupid pun.

(In front of a crop field)

Rhydon: I'm here in a crop field in India. Competitors must take a taxi here and make their way through the largest crop maze in the world! It'll be a tough challenge, but doable.

(Back at the airport)

Weavile: Quick! To the taxis!

Squirtle: (waving his hand vigorously) TAXI!!! (A taxi pulls up) Sweet! (He and Bulbasaur get in the taxi. The rest of the teams are shown entering taxis too.)

(In the Ice Skaters' taxi)

Surskit: Woo hoo! Let the rush of competition begin!

Delcatty: I know what you mean. That plane ride was a total yawn.

Surskit: Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something. What do you think is with Weavile and Machoke?

Delcatty: I dunno. (Shrugs) They're also athletes like us so they are probably just used to winning like us. (Mutters) Or taking second if your me...

Surskit: (concerned) What was that?

Delcatty: Nothing. (Their taxi arrives and they exit) Come on! There's the crop maze.

Surskit: (Looks behind) And here come the other taxis! (All seven teams enter the maze but then stop)

Pachirisu: So, um, which way?

Machoke: (picks up Weavile) Let's just pick and go. I'm not about to waste any time. (Runs off)

Cherrim: Hey! I've got an idea? Maybe some of us teams could work together!?

Bulbasaur: Uh, sure I guess. I'll work with with you.

(In Confessional)
Bulbasaur: What!? I didn't wanna be mean!

Cherrim: Oh goodie! Roserade, the Lifelong Friends are gonna work with us.

Squirtle: Alright um, okay, but let's get a move on! (They leave and so do other teams)

Glaceon: Let's go straight.

Leafeon: Just what I was thinking!

Glaceon: Oh and Jolteon, DONT follow us. (She and Leafeon leave)

Jolteon: Okay, we're following them. I'm not about to let them get hurt.

Sylveon: (sighs) Alright fine. Let's just try to catch up before we lose them in this maze.

Rhydon: (to the camera) This just in, flight number two has just landed! (The screen shows a plane landing and then cuts to the teams running outta the airport and getting taxis)

(Somewhere inside the maze)

Pachirisu: Ugh!! Another dead end, are you kidding me?

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now