Part 63

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💕later in the morning💕

I got up and me and Brian drove to the radio station for my interview.

"Still no answer?" He asked as we sat in my car outside, waiting for the few minutes to pass before we should head inside.

"No." I said, locking my phone and slipping it back into my pocket.

I tried calling Jeanine this morning again after we woke up, but I think she's still asleep from our extremely early call this morning.

"Let's go." He said and we got out my car and walked into the building. We got to the station and started the interview. Luckily they didn't ask anything about Jeanine or the mystery girl.

But while the interview was going I saw my phone blowing up with tweets about a picture someone took in the park and everyone said it looks like me.

After the interview I dropped Brian off at the mall, he said he'll walk back to the hotel.

As for me, I drove to Jeanine's.

Nick's car was gone so I assumed nobody was home but her. I still kept it quiet though, slowly opening the door with the key she leaves under the doormat. For her when she forgets her own key, and for me, to get in on days the house is empty.

And this was one of thsoe days. The house was empty and quiet.

"Jeanine." I whispered, softly but audible. No reply. I walked up the stairs to her room to find her still curled up under her covers, fast asleep. It's 11am.

I smiled at the sight of her and walked closer, crouching down next to her.

"Get in." She whispered, her eyes still closed and I laughed, kicking off my shoes and getting in under the covers with her.
Immediately she wrapped her arms around my torso and cuddled closer to me as I lied down next to her.

"I missed you." She mumbled into my hoodie and I kissed the top of her head, wrapping my arms around her to. "You know it's 11 in the morning right?" I said and her eyes shot open.

"Shit!" She laughed and jumped up, out of my embrace and ran to her bathroom. I got up and made her bed, just to plonk down on it again and wait for her till she comes out of the bathroom.

"Uhmm... close you eyes okay." She said, opening the bathroom door only a bit and sticking her head out.
I nodded and closed my eyes as I heard her walking around in her room.

Not being able to fight the urge and temptation any longer I opened my one eye to see her standing infront of her closet, in her grey sweatpants and sports bra, about to pull a shirt over her head.

"Can I open my eyes?" I asked and she laughed. "Oh please, as if you haven't already opened them." She said turning around and looking at me as she pulled her shirt over her head.

My cheeks probably glowing red by now and she just smiled at me. She caught me.

I sat on the edge of her bed. She wanted to walk past me but I grabbed her waist and pulled her onto me, falling back on her bed and pulling her with me.

"Shawn!" She laughed locking her eyes on mine as she ran her fingers through my hair. "You're so beautiful." She whispered and kissed my cheek.

I hid my face in the crook of her neck as I blushed.

Why does she have such a huge effect on me?

I love her.

Undeniable/ Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now