Part 44

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When she started singing I couldn't help but laugh and smile.

She's enjoying herself so much by singing this song. She living into it.

"That was great." I said and she threw the deodorant bottle back to me. "Go on Mr fancy pants. Sing something." She said, chuckling, and now I was more ready than ever.

I smirked at her as I stood at the end of the bed. She knows. By the look on her face I can tell that she knows what I'm going to sing to her.

"Here we go again." She sighed and rested back on her hands. A smile playing in the corners of her mouth.

I started singing 'roses' to her againg but this time, I got to look her in the eyes the entire song through. It's indescribable.

"You can tell me to stop if you already know. Though I'm not sure my heart can take it. But the look on your face says don't let me go." I sang.

Just as I sang that verse she looked down at her lap and her smile faded. No! Why? I want her to smile

"Jeanine." I said, stopping in the middle of the song. "Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded, smiling back up at me. "I'm okay." She said.

I know she puts up a front sometimes to show her strength, but she doesn't need to do that around me. I want her to just BE. Be hersef and express whatever she feels. She shouldn't hide it.

"Common Jeanine. I know you now better than that. What's the matter." I said, sitting down next to her, just looking at her, taking in all her beauty for that moment.

"It's just I really don't want you to leave." She laughed and I smiled at her. The lyrics touched her. "Like. Don't let me go." She said and shook her head.

"I know, I know. I'm crazy, it's so cheesy and don't take it up weirdly but I just... I don't want you to leave." She sighed and I took her hand in mine, making her look up to me as I caressed the too of her hand softly.

"I wasn't planning on it. Lucky for you, or well you can choose, lucy or unlucky, but you're stuck with me!" I said and laughed in her face as I stood up again.

She rolling her eyes.

That made my heart melt, that she doesn't want me to go. "Wait!" She gasped and ran to the bathroom. She came back with a black pencil thingy that looked a lot like eyeliner.

"What are you doing?" I asked and she smiled. "Just sit still." She laughed and brushed my hair away from my forehead. "Jeanine I don't like this. What are you doing?" I laughed only making her smile grow bigger.

Gosh I like her so bad.

I looked up at her smile and eyes, as she drew on my face. "What is it?" I asked afer she finished and she chuckled.

"You're a wizard Shawn." She said and I jumped up and ran to the mirror, looking st the scar she drew on my forehead.

"Can I just say that this is by far the best day ever." I laughed as we continued to mess up her hotel room.

Undeniable/ Shawn Mendes Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin