Chapter Seven: Bullies

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[ Arthur's POV ]

    I yawned,stuffing my hands into the pockets of my overly heavy jacket as I walked down the breezy pathway that led to my school. A snowflake landed on my small, rounded nose, sending shivers down my body. Burying my nose in my Union Jack scarf, which Alfred had gotten me for Christmas, I looked at my surroundings. Nothing out of the ordinary....Just a few pine trees whose needles swayed with the wind.


    I heard it....

    Well, them....

    The Bad Touch Trio....The meanest, cruelest people in school. The three were notorious for beating, stalking, degrading, and sometimes even raping their victims.

    And I was their favorite toy....

    Dashing, I made my way over to a group of bushes, where I carefully hid myself amongst their scratchy branches.

    "Did you see what that boy Ivan was wearing?" The blonde, the head of the group, snickered out as he fumbled with his cellphone.

    "Yeah! His scarf was so ratchet!" His best friend, an albino man whom fallowed him around like a dog would its owner, quickly added on, laughing his annoying 'kesesesese' laugh.

    "Sí, that man needs to get laid or something....Maybe we can arrange that~" The last member, a tan man, added on.

    These three are disgusting....

    A stray dog came limping down the street, which was fairly common for this town, wagged its shaggy tail as it approached the trio.

    "Ew, ew, get this filthy thing away from me!" The leader called out, hiding behind the albino, who, kicked the poor, defenseless creature.

    But, the dog continuously attempted to gain attention, sniffing its way over to me.

    "N-Not now, dog," I whispered, trying to shoo it away, "I promise, later. But please, not now!"

    "Well well, what do we have here?" The tan boy spoke up, forcefully pulling me out of my bushy hideout, "A Kirkland?"

    "H-Hey Toni," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

    "My name is Antonio you little slut!" The Spanish man scowled in disgust, throwing me back down onto the icy ground.

    "Now, Toni, calm down. We've talked about this~," Francis, the blonde, chuckled, bending down and wrapping an arm around my waist, "Weren't we looking for little Arthur~?"

    "Oh yeah!" Gilbert, the albino, grinned, picking me up and pinning me to the nearest tree, "That we were~~"

    "N-No! Let me go!" I screamed, kicking and punching him. But my efforts were useless....

[ Alfred's POV ]

    I laughed, leaning against my locker as one of my best friends, Ivan, made a completely terrible joke, "Aw man, dude, you've totally got to tell that joke again when Artie gets here! He'll love it! He adores cheesy puns like that!"

    "Artie?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

    "Arthur? My boyfriend?"

    "Ohhhh~ So, you've given him a pet name~?"

    "Oh shut up, dude! I only call him that because his reaction is so adorable...And that gives you no right to call him that too, got it!?"

    He laughed, turning away as the bell that signaled the start of our day echoed throughout the already dead hallways, "See you later, Alfie~"

    "Yo, Alfred!" A familiar voice called from behind, earning a smile from myself.

    "Hey Gil, Francis, Toni," I called out to them, turning around and walking over, "What took you guys so long to get here?"

    "We were busy....," Francis chuckled. I just shrugged it off, completely oblivious as to what they had done to Arthur.

    "Yeah, well, let's just get to class. Have you three seen Artie, by the way?" I asked, worried since my boyfriend had never missed a day of school since the fifth grade. It was kind of his pride and joy, the dork. It was so adorable.

    "No, actually, we haven't," Antonio shrugged, walking ahead of us.

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