Durga: The Birth of the Warrior

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All the Devas stood in silence as Parvati went into a deep meditation, sitting on the top of a rock.

Brahma had summoned all the major gods and goddesses to Gangotri, the origin place of river Ganga on the earth. They had all appeared, understanding the situation as Brahma planted images of what had happened in their minds. There was no discussion, no sound except for the howling wind, which made Parvati's unbound hair and the end of her sari flutter. She had discarded all of her jewellery on Mount Kailash itself and came unadorned to Gangotri. The goddess Ganga accepted Parvati's prayer to use her water for taking her incarnation.

Parvati finally opened her eyes and as the Devas watched, she solemnly walked towards Ganga. Unfazed by the coldness, she waded into the river till the icy water reached her waist. Standing there, she prayed to the divine energy within herself to manifest and fill her with power.

The gods standing at the banks of the river saw Parvati glow with energy. The Trinity too, sent waves of their energy towards her. They enveloped her as well making her glow even brighter. Following the lead, Indra, the major gods and goddesses and the rest of the Deva army did the same.

As the energies surrounded Parvati, the humming of different frequencies created by them merged into one deep vibration. The Devas found it increasingly difficult to stand in front of the radiant goddess. Some of them even covered their eyes. The Trinity looked on though, fascinated.

Parvati immersed herself completely in the water. The heat of the energy surrounding her made the water boil. Bubbles erupted across its turbulent surface and steam hissed as it rose up. The water started churning around her glowing form, as if she was the very center of the river that pulled everything towards her.

Suddenly all of it stopped. The energy was completely absorbed. The river stopped boiling and slowly became calm once more. All of the Devas watched with bated breaths and even the wind stopped blowing.

And it wasn't the head of Parvati that broke through the surface of the water.

It was that of the Warrior.

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