38- Realization

649 13 16

Tobias Pov

She wakes up before we get to the hospital. They where treating her back and she laid on her stomach, she instantly freaked out and thrashed around, trying to get away from them.

My first instinct was to hold her down, just long enough to let them finish fixing her wound, but that was before she turned onto her back at started at the ceiling with wide eyes.

"Tris, Tris calm down. Calm down, your alright." I stroke her straw like hair.

She shakes her head as she struggles to find the words she wants to say.

"It's okay, don't strain yourself. Listen you have to let these people help you." I say calmly.

She shakes her head again and trembles mumbling something I can't make out.

"Sir, we have to fix that wound now, or it could become seriously infected." One of the emergency services guy tells me.

"Okay, Okay. Tris, I need you to trust me. Your in shock and I need you just trust me alright,"

She shows no sign of responding and the only thing you can hear is her heavy breathing and the sirens of the ambulance.

"Okay, come one on your stomach." I put my arm on her side and lightly push her on her side. She shakes and whimpers but doesn't stop me.

I flip her back over and I watch as her face contracts in pain and fear. She cries and balls the white sheet on the bed in her hand.

"Shh, it's okay, these people are going to help you. Your okay." I stroke her hair.

The workers start to work on her again and she shakes even more when they touch her.

"It's okay, they are helping you. It's alright." I grab her shaking hand and she holds onto my hand as if her life depended on it.

"I-It h-hurts." She cries into the sheets. "I know it hurts, but you have to let them help you, they are going to make the pain go away." I kiss her forehead.

"I-I don't," She starts to say something but she struggles to say it.

"I d-don't want t-to be h-here Tobias, I-I'm scared." She whispers and my heart sinks.


Out of everything that has happened, I thought she has already reached her breaking point. But I was so wrong.

This, this was her breaking point.

She doesn't trust anyone anymore, she thinks everyone is out to hurt her. She only trusts me, she won't even trust Christina.

Her back is bad, she can't lay on it so she lays on her stomach, doctors say she has PTSD, but I already knew that just by the way she was acting. The way she stuttered in the ambulance, how she balled the white sheet in her hand and stared at the ceiling with wide eyes, trembling.

I try not to think to much about it, and I try to think on how she will get pass this.

She has to get pass this.

I walk into her room and she shakes at the sudden noise. "It's okay Tris, it's Tobias." I tell her walking over to her bed.

She squeezes her eyes shut and tears fall from them. She shakes her head and mumbles words that I can't catch.

"It's okay, I'm here, I'm not going to hurt you Tris." I sit in the chair on the side of her bed and take her hand in my own.

She still shakes but not as bad and she opens her eyes just a sliver so I can see her blue grey orbs. They look more blue then grey with her eyes being so red.

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