Are We Human...

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Well the answer is probably like duh! But I'm actually an alien. Lol. I'm serious. No I'm not. But I am! I guess you'll never know.

Anyway, to my point! Away! Sorry, I guess I'm in a good, playful mood today. Well I was listening to this late last nigh because I couldn't sleep(like that's new). And I was thinking, you know this is a good song. And I got into these really deep questions. Are we really human? Forced to be like everyone else?

That's what this song is really talking about(to me anyway). Everyone is different and special and unique. But then there are things that try to make us all the same. Wouldn't that be horrible. Being forced to be like everyone else. Does that mean that all creative things would be banned?

Actually you'd have to banned thinking to make everyone the same. Because no 2 people think alike. No one has the the same sense of humor as the person next to them. They is a little difference. Even if it doesn't seem that way.

It's impossible to be like everyone else. Everyone is different. Some are just more different than others. I've always thought i was the most different person out there. Everyone seemed to like the same kinds of music and clothes. And I was just there. I don't like rap which everyone seems to.

I don't even consider it music. You're just speaking. But there are a few good rap songs. I just don't like it. I'm not saying that rap is bad per's just not my favorite.

Anyway, I'm kinda...out there. So I'm different, who cares? I'm me and that's never gonna change. Even though I kinda don't always follow that. I do pretend to be what others want sometimes. It's just human(or in my case alien[or maybe it's my mission to fit in :O ]) nature. But you should stick up to be the real you. Even if others don't approve. Who cares if they do? Be you not who others what you want to be.

I wish someone told me that. Told it was okay to be me and not to try to be what others thought or wanted me to be. Maybe if someone told me that I should be who I am, then I wouldn't be so worried about who i am and what i want to do.

I actually heard my mom making fun for my dream job. That just made my day(note the sarcasm).

Anyway, the important thing is that you be who you want. Do what you love. And don't care others want you to be. You are perfect just the way you are.

Be you and remember that no 2 people are the same. The lessons of this chapter.


Author's Note

Well I don't know what else to say.... So...yeah.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed my little rant. Sorry it was so short. Not in a writing mood today. Well, bye! :)

Your's Truly


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