Even Crazy Dreams Come True

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Everyone has that hidden dream. Or maybe not so hidden. They want to be famous, an author, a singer, a dancer, an actor(now even females are called actors), an artist, they want to be anything to everything. And when we were younger the sky was the limit. We could do any of those things.

And look at every famous person out there. Do you think they just sat there and waited? Or thought they were never good enough? No. I'm almost certain they didn't. And they all started out like you and me. They all started out small. But with time and hard work and their determination, they got to be the big stars they are today.

Taylor Swift is a great example. If you don't like her, well to bad. Don't hate because others do and I bet you'd never saw anything to their faces. Or have the courage to do what they do. Do you know how she got to be the big star she is today? She handed out her demos to everyone in her town. No joke. Door to door, left a demo and left.

Now I wouldn't be able to do that, and not just because my demos aren't done. I would never let anyone have those. Maybe I'd show my friends, but that's all. Everyone has a secret yearning. To be something great.

I used to be like that. I remember I used to be a pop star. And I laugh at that now. But the dream of singing is still alive...well barely, but whatever. I always wanted to be an artist. Again now art is just to release my emotions and for my own enjoyment. I wanted to be a chief, and well that one is still true. I love baking!

Anyway, back on topic. I wanted to be an actor. Now though, because of stage fright that one has died. Though some tell me I just go in to like movies and TV shows, but I doubt I will. I might be good at acting, but...ugh, I getting off topic again.

Well all of those dreams have something in common. They all started or did die. Because I started and am still doubting myself and my 'talent'. Which, according to my friends, I have many. But I guess I never heard it from the right people.

This may shock you, or make you want to hug me or whatever, but don't it's really not that big of a deal. My parents don't really tell me how proud they are of me or my accomplishments. Now I know to some it sounds terrible or stupid(and to the people who think it sounds stupid, shut up. You don't know me or what it's like so don't judge), but just push those thoughts aside.

And while I've learned to deal with it, I still get hurt about it too. I'm a middle child, and I don't exactly get a lot-or any attention. I just kinda fade into the shadows. And I like that, it's me. It's who I am. And while I'm not asking for them to shower me with praise or spoil me rotten; I would like them to at least take a few seconds to say something that they mean and is nice.

To be honest I never feel like I'm good enough for them. Like I'm always letting them down. I had to take mid-terms this year, and i got a perfect score. Not one wrong. Do you know what they said? My father said: oh, nice. Then went on about how proud he was of my sister for getting an A on a test. And while I didn't show it, that hurt. I got a perfect score and he didn't even care. At least it was better than my mom's reaction. She said oh and then left. Like it shocked her.

And don't get me wrong, I love them. And I know they love me, but it's just hard sometimes. I try my best to do well in school and to them it's not good enough. It's never good enough. Sometimes I feel like there's no point in trying to do well because it's still not good enough. But then there's that little part of me that says if I do better they'll be proud. It always ends up hurting me, but whatever.

And I know it seems whatever, but who cares? I'm not asking you to come give me sympathy, but it just fit in with this chapter.

Anyway, I still try hard. I'm not one of those dead people who has given up on myself(not that I'm picking on people who have, I know you all have ligament reasons. And I was very close to becoming one myself). I still try my best, and I still have dreams that I wish to come true.

Now my dreams are just...different. I still want to be a singer, it's one of my passions. I added author to the list. And well I'm seeing where it goes. I still have chief on there, but I've just specified it. Desserts. Just desserts.(Won't my future kids be so happy, having a dessert chief as a mom?) I've also added getting a degree in law and psychology. What, they fascinate me. My interests haven't hurt anyone...well yet that is.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: don't give up on yourself. And yeah, you've probably heard it before like a thousand times. But too bad, I'm saying it too. Dreams are meant to be lived. Or at least tried.

And just as the seasons change so do people and dreams and interests. All part of growing up. Now even if you don't want to be famous, don't be scared to do what you love. Because we you love what you do, other's see it too. And they'll like it even more just because of how confidante you are about it.


Author's Note

Yeah, again sorry. I had to rep it up quick. I have testing all this week so they're probably gonna be on the shorter side. So sorry about that.

Now the song. It's good because everyone can relate to it. She used like all examples of common dreams.

Well I would write more, but I am being told to get off my laptop. So I must go. Thanks for reading. Hoped you liked it and I didn't bore you. Bye, hope to see ya'll tomorrow. :)

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