1999 New York

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New years eve.

"Bekah would have loved this." I said to Nik as we sat in the kitchen. I was hunting down bloodlines of Katerina to find out where her bastard daughter went and if she had any children.

The truth was that if the bloodline continued then the curse would still be intact and as it is I knew there was still doppelgänger blood out there. I just had to find it.

"There's always next millennium." Nik hums as he fills out some paperwork for a mansion he wanted t build in Mystic falls. It was always his dream that we would return home and live together.

"Do yo ever wonder what the others are doing?" He looks at me blankly. "Sage? Finn? Amelia? They disappeared and is till think about them, don't you?" He shakes his head. "At all?"

"No they made their choice and they chose wrong, I'm glad they're not here to clutter up the place." He simply didn't care and I did admire that about him.

I decided to change the subject before an argument broke out. "I think I might have found something, there is a girl. Isobel? She might be the last descendant of Katerina. She is engaged I believe but other than that I'm not sure?"

He nods, obviously intrigued. "Hmm interesting, keep an eye on her. I cant approach her I need her to have a child, especially since she's not the doppelgänger."

"It could be a while of watching, you know how rare they are. And if Katerina finds out you know of her she might take matters into her own hands." I say to him.

A smirk plays on his lips. "Don't worry about her, I here she is playing games somewhere in Paris. I've sent men after her. 500 Years of running will come to an end soon and she will answer for what she has done to this family." I knew he was talking about her coming between him and Elijah.

"You could apologise to him, he doesn't have to be the one to reach out too you it could be the other way around?"

"No you know I don't apologise to anyone, he made a choice and he chose wrong."

He gets up to walk away and I don't stop him.


"You really pissed him off." Flora says.

I should mention that I couldn't stand her, she was one of the few witches that Nik trusted with the lies of the Aztecs and she was certainly made cockier with this information.

I shrug "I told him the truth."

"He doesn't like it." Flora moves closer to me as if she was trying to intimidate me.

"And yet I don't ask for your opinion."

"I could get rid of you. If I tell him you're talking to Mikael and he will have you in a box besides your husband." She says acting as if she was the queen of the castle.

I begin to cause her strong pain.

"Don't make the mistake of thinking you're irreplaceable because you are. Whores like you are a dime dozen and I will kill you if I need to" I lean in close to her ear. "And you know what? Nik wont care because if he had to chose between us he would chose me. So don't ever." I grip her harder around the throat. "Try to come between us because we are family. Forever and always." I drop her to the floor and leave the room.


"She's gone."

I look at Nik in confusion as he enters the room. I was still trying to find more information on the Petrova bloodline.



"You were right. I would pick you over her because we are family. I want you to know that I am grateful that you tell me the truth." I smile. "I value your opinion. If there is one person in this world that knows me best, its you. You were the only member of this family to always stand beside me and help me stay away from Mikael. Everyone else was going to throw me to him if they were threatened but not you." He glances at me. "I am thankful."

"You're welcome." I stand up and join him at the window. "You are equally as important to me, I am thankful I have you too. I mean I know I have the children but I don't want to burden them with my issues. Its nice to have someone there you know?" He nods and we don't say anymore.


I was in New York for New years eve, it time to see the millennium in and it also marked the thousand years that I had spent with Nik. He finally listened to my advice as he trusted me, it only took a thousand years for him to see that I wasn't trying to destroy him I was trying to help him.

I had chosen to celebrate this year on my own though. I was stood in the hustle and bustle of Times Square with a beer in hand.

"3...2...1" Fireworks began to explode. "Happy New Year!" The entire city screamed.

I watched as people celebrated as this was the only time any of them would see the start of a new Millennium whereas this was my second one. This was the year of a huge baby boom, people wanted a millennium baby and I thought it was quite sweet.

Couples kissed and friends laughed idly as if they hadn't been stood in the cold for hours.

It didn't matter because this was the start of a new year, a new millennium and I had strong hopes.

We were going to find a doppelgänger and we would break this curse and then our family could be together again. I smiled to myself and decided to make my way home, a lovely apartment block that Nik had gotten for us. His witches lived next door and he respected my privacy so I had my own apartment, it meant that my children could visit whenever they wanted so I was always encouraging them to do so.

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