1382 Scotland

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The Plague.

2 words that destroyed countless countries and ruined the lives of thousands.

Parents lost children and children became orphans.

Pain and devastation that could not be avoided.

My family was lucky enough to not be able to succumb to it. However, one of us wasn't an immortal completely and that worried Kol. I was kept in the highest room of some tower that they had some how been invited to. To say I wasn't happy would be an understatement.

I was alone for hours up on hours a day. My food was brought to me by Kol and he was the only person I had seen in months. Cormac spoke to me through the door every now and then, when he wants busy with his consorts.

We had tried to change me multiple times but it hadn't happened, I had simply come back to life with a beating heart after death. Similar to the way that I died every sixty or so years.

The doctors mask was a haunting thing and I had no wish to see it, it was the sign of death and many thought it was an omen.

Everything was fine.

Until the sickness hit.

I had been throwing up for day and I had a high fever. Nobody could understand how, I hadn't left the room an nobody had been in. All food was prepared by Kol and he even took up growing vegetables so he knew that nobody could contaminate it. However the sickness came and I was left in the room alone to rot. It wasn't as terrible as the peasants though, I wasn't rotting and I hadn't contracted any warts or anything so I was hoping this was a weaker strain.

"I wish I knew how to fix this." Kol said as he dabbed my head with a cold cloth, "You look pale and your skin is all sticky. I don't want to risk getting a doctor in case you get worse."

"I need a doctor." I cough out. "Kol, please. I need something, I need help. Please. Please get a doctor. I'm already ill what else could possibly happen?"

"You could get worse, he might take you from me." I cry out in frustration.

I needed a doctor and he constantly refused, I was his porcelain doll that nobody could touch and believe me the frustration I was feeling was certainly getting worse. I felt helpless. I couldn't even see my own family and I resented him for it.

"Kol." I whimper.

He sets the cloth down and kisses my head. He walks out of the room leaving me alone in the darkness once again.


Days later and I was still sick. Kol hadn't returned, I would be needing more food soon but he had left some on the dresser so I would have some for a few days. I was angry and hurt. I don't think he wanted me better, I think he enjoyed keeping me in this castle all to himself, it meant he could control every aspect of my life.

His possessiveness had started years ago, when we were just children. He had almost killed a boy when we were five, all because he had given me a flower. However over the years it had gotten increasingly worse and I was growing weary of it. Keeping me in this castle wasn't helping and it wasn't for my benefit more.

"Mother?" A man shouts through the door, it takes me a moment to realise its Cormac, it had been so long since I had heard his voice. "I have a doctor, can you open the door?" I don't reply, "Mother?"

"I cant, he has the key." I whisper, I knew he would be able to hear.

Seconds later the door is on the floor and sunlight trails in. I close my eyes, I had not had light for so long that it took my eyes a moment to adjust.

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