2011 Mystic Falls

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Elena Gilbert.

After a thousand years we had finally found the doppelgänger that had cause us such a headache for so many years. Elijah had found her and tried to protect her. Needless to say he changed sides once Nik got involved.

So here we are stood at the ritual where Nik would become the full Hybrid he was always supposed to be.

The girl would die but our family would be whole once more, it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Greta thought she was performing the spell but little did she know that she was part of the sacrifice. We needed a witch, Vampire and wolf.

Not hard to find in Mystic falls, the beacon for the supernatural.

The girl had tried to run so she was being punished for it. Her Aunt Jenna was turned in order for this to work. He had made a deal to let her little friend Tyler go so we had some random wolf standing in.

"Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped." I say as I walk in the clearing. The circles light up as I stare hard at them.

Greta enters behind me and I can hear her setting the things out on the rock. Anything to please Nik.

"Who are you?" Elena asks me. "She's the witch, Greta but I've never seen you."

"I'm no one." I say

"Please just- let her go." Elena pleads for her aunts life and for a moment I feel sorry for the girl.

She had lost her parents, found out she was adopted and now she was to be sacrificed in some feud that had blown up decades before she was even born. It was a lot to cope with but I wasn't here to offer her sympathy I had a job to do and I was going to do it. I owed it Niklaus.

Great begins running a rock over her wrist and she smirks and Elena. "Klaus chose her."

"No." Elena whines.

Greta then offers her bleeding wrist up to the newly turned Vampire. "Drink it." Jenna did hesitate something I had rarely seen a new-born vampire do.

"Jenna don't." Elena's voice fell on deaf ears.

"I cant." Jenna whispers, captivated still by the blood.

"Let her go, Hey!" Elena yells this time.

The blood leaks in the mouth of the vampire as she finally gives into the urge. Elena's gasping is all that can be heard over the slurping of the vampire. She grips Greta am in order to gain more access to the blood. It begins to trickle done the sides of her mouth but she doesn't care. The burning has stopped for a moment. I had decided that was enough.

"Stop!" I yell and begin to cause Jenna pain. She releases Greta and then I light her circle on fire to prevent her from trying to escape.

Elena stands shell shocked staring at her aunt. "Jenna, its going to be ok." A pause. "Jenna? Hey, look at me. Its going to be ok. Its going to be ok." She repeated.

"No" Jenna whispers as her vampire face appears. After a few moments she pipes up again."I feel like myself... Only not?" She looks around. "Everything is brighter. The fire is hotter. Part of me ids terrified but there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything."

"Vampires can turn off the part that's human." Elena informs her. "That's the part that hurts."

"I'm gonna die aren't I?" Jenna asks.

"No!" Elena shouts at her, denial eating away at her. "Jenna I'm not gonna let that happen. I don't care what I have to do."

Twigs snapping and bones cracking can be heard in the distance. Jules. I smiled everything was coming along greatly.

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