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Katerina Petrova.

The girl we had waited centuries for. The girl who could fix this family.

She had told me her story and while I felt sympathy for her there was no way I was gong to let this opportunity pass. As soon as she had arrived I had sent a raven for Nik and Elijah. They arrived within the fortnight.

I was currently stood with Kol drinking wine and watching the doppelgänger from across the room. I could see Elijah eyeing her and I knew he was building the courage to speak to her. He approaches her and I feel my heart leap.

"Calm down." Kol whispers in my ear while pouring wine into my drink.

"Hush." I grab one of the servant boys. "Go over there and introduce Lord Elijah to that girl, make them aware that Lord Niklaus will be joining them soon." He hurries off.

Kol huffs and takes a long drink from the cup in his hand, "Why is this so important to you?"

"I want this family back together, for you and Nik to stop this feud and for Nik to control Mikael."

"You don't know that."

"No I don't." I smack his chest, "Now hush, I'm trying to listen. Not all of us were blessed with big ears." He laughs and wonders off to speak to some Lord.

The introductions seem to go off without a hitch, but she looks nervous so I decide to wonder over and offer a bit of support.

"Nik!" I gleefully say as I hand him a glass of wine.

"Ah my darling sister in law!" Nik says and kisses my cheek.

"Katerina, they aren't bothering you I hope?"

"Of course not My Lady." Katerina bows her head as she speaks to me.

"Call me Holly, we are friends." I smile at her and she nods quietly.

"So from where have you come, Katerina?" Nik asks.

"I'm new to town my Lord." Katerina adds quickly, she has clearly rehearsed this as she answered far too fast.

"Katerina is from Bulgaria." Elijah adds, I look at him in confusion.

How could he know that, I haven't told him and I doubt that Kol did as it wasn't important. He has spoken to her before tonight then I realise and I can only hope that another Tatia situation isn't underway.

"Zradevei, Katerina." And she laughs, she is the only one who recognises what he has said.

She is more comfortable now and laughs louder. "Very good." Elijah looks slightly annoyed.

"Do you mind Brother? I would like to have a moment alone with her" Nik cockily says, staring deep into Elijah's eyes, he trying to assert his dominance.

"Not at all Brother. Happy Birthday."

Katerina takes Nik's hand and they waltz off into the crowd to join the other people in the centre of the room all swaying along to the music that was playing.

"Elija-" He walks off. I felt deep sorrow for him, he gets taken advantage off and I hate that people take advantage of him.

"You cant fix him." He rubs my waist. "Hmm, now I want to dance with my wife."

"As you wish husband." I take his hand and we walk to the centre of the ballroom and begin to dance, I kiss his lips every time we get close and he smiles lightly.

"Sophie is dancing with that servant again." He growls into my ear.

I knew what he was talking about, there was a servant boy that had take a particular liking to Sophie.

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