1002 France Part 3

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2 months later...

Life in south France had been fabulous. Kol and I were slowly getting back on track and whatever business Count del Martel was discussing with Nik and Elijah seemed to be going well. Sage and Finn had left with Amelia, it was bittersweet they didn't even say goodbye.

Something had changed in me though, I noticed the dresses becoming tighter and the thought confused me. Kol was dead by the laws of nature so how could I be pregnant? I hadn't bled and I was getting bigger but my mind tried to talk me out of it. I hadn't spoken to him yet but I was planning on doing it later.

At the moment I was walking through the streets with Sophie, Rebekah and Aurora had taken Erin off earlier to a festival and Sophie didn't want to go so I brought her with me. She had grown a lot and she was now nearing her sixth birthday and it made me realise how much had changed and how quickly it had changed. She would never really know the grandparents and Aunts that loved her, she would never grow up with the silly village stories that I did and in a hundred years she would probably forget all about that small mud hut that she called home and Mystic falls.

 She would never really know the grandparents and Aunts that loved her, she would never grow up with the silly village stories that I did and in a hundred years she would probably forget all about that small mud hut that she called home and Mystic...

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"So Soph, how about we get you a little treat?" I ask her and she eagerly smiles and bounces her head up and down. "A doll?" Another nod. I decide to go to a doll makers that's was just around the corner, we had come here for Erin's second birthday and the craftsmanship behind it was incredible.

We walk into the tiny shop, the walls outside littered with Ivy and moss whilst the walls inside were full of shelves which were stuffed with dolls and other toys, like cars. I was staring at the wooden items inside they were amazing ad unfortunately it was only something the rich could afford, whilst the wealth we acquired wasn't honest, I was certainly grateful for it, it meant I could give them the life that I wouldn't have been able to before.

"Alright, what colour do you want her dress to be? You can have pink, blue or purple?" I give her an option. Knowing which she would go for.

"Blue please Mother." I stroke her hair down and nod. I tell the shop keeper what we would like and we receive the doll and dress. I pay him extra, he is a sweet old man and he has a family to feed.

"We need to go back home now Sophie, your Aunt should be finished with your sister and its time for supper." We walk slowly back to the castle, she chats away happily to her doll that she has named Charlotte.

As we reach the castle the guards help me with some of the things that I have brought, a few clothes for Erin and a dress for Sophie.

Once I am in my room I see Erin on the bed, her red hair in all over the place and a white flower that probably once looked pretty was now tangled in her hair. He dress askew as she rested softly.

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