1005 Pomerania

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Pomerania 1005AD

Pomerania, now a lost country. Its the split between Poland and Germany and overlooked the Baltic Ocean. We were a long way from France in this beautiful city. The tales here were rich, they spoke of the mermaids and the creatures of the sea. After all it was the sea coast city. It was stunning. Boats from all over would pass through with wines and silks of the finest quality.

The village we were staying in was beautiful. A small church sat unused in the centre and small markets decorated the small streets, life bustled through them. A lake sat on one side of the village and the Baltic ocean sat on the other. The houses were small and dainty and flowers lavished the sides of them in all different colours it was a stunning site in the evening sun.

 The town house we were staying in was very dressed up, it didn't have that natural beauty that the small houses seemed to have but it was lovely all the same. Ivy scoured up the sides contrasting with the white wood of the house. Heavy wool tapestry hung from most walls and each room was its own colour. Ours was a dark green while the main entrance to the house was a sky blue. Like I said, it was lovely but it did lack that natural beauty. The Mikaelson clan however, only stayed in the most exquisite of places meaning that this house had to be dressed up in pretentiousness.

The only down side to this glorious city was that it was revolting against the church. Something Kol enjoyed. It meant they could all feed without being caught.

Cormac was almost three years old now, it made me feel old. I wasn't getting any older but mentally I was drained. The continuous travelling caught up with me and the children and I finally managed to convince them to stay put in one city longer than a month. I knew we would leave soon so I am making the most of it.

Erin was almost seven, my sweet daughter was growing up.

And Sophie was almost ten years old, and it reminded me of how much things had changed - Some for the better, others not so much. It was a huge milestone for her, most children didn't live past five in our village so ten was special. She would be a woman soon and in some villages she would be wed soon. We wouldn't do that, Kol forever being the overprotective Father. There was a ball in her name being held in 3 days time, curtesy of Rebekah. 

Unfortunately I was still unable to contact Finn and Sage. Amelia would be turning ten soon and it was a shame they wouldn't be together. I had no idea where they were and Kol was very quite about it. Nik wouldn't even comment, saying the situation wasn't up to them I was Finn's decision. It was all very calculated and strange so I put it down to them having an argument or something. It was very unlucky but there was little I could do. I knew Sage was loyal to Finn just as I am to Kol.

"I think that is a silk ship from Italy." Erin said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

Pointing to another ship "And that was is wine from England." Sophie said.

We were currently sat by the shore watching the ships dock ad leave the port. Some collecting items, others dropping them off. Guessing what was in them was part of the game and they entertained themselves for hours doing this.

Cormac was with Kol learning how to fight with swords, it was important he learned young so that he would be good in battle and represent the family well. At the moment he was training with wooden swords so he wouldn't actually harm anyone or get himself injured, soon he would practice with a steel sword, which he would name and it would become his greatest ally in life.

I still thanked whatever power gave me Cormac, he completed the family in a way I never understood. I wasn't entirely sure how he was conceived and I was still trying to seek out another witch who could help me discover how he came to be. We had obviously coupled since, but nothing had came from it. My time would come and go and nothing we did seemed to help me conceive, and confusion lingered in the air for us all. Alas, Kol didn't seem to care, he had his heir and his girls which was enough for now.

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