Chapter Thrity-Three: Our Worst Nightmares

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The following words are very important to the story and will be highlighted in BIG BOLD letters:
Oh! And thanks HopeWayne for your TEN awesome suggestions for chapter ideas!

~Tim's apartment~

Honey's POV
I woke up and drowsily went downstairs to get some breakfast. I smelled the delicious aroma of pancakes as I walked to the kitchen.
"'Morning, mom." I explained stretching and yawning.
"Hey mom." I turned to see Aidan hunched down and yawning.
"Did you sleep ok?" I asked my brother curiously.
"Yeah. I mean, I guess. I don't know. I just feel weird all of the sudden." He explained wiping his eyes and getting some cereal.
"Did you sleep well?" Dad asked coming in from the living room with a cup of coffee and was wearing a suit, which is pretty normal to see in this house.
"I slept great, Dad!" I explained cheerfully while beaming.
"Actually I was asking, Aiden." My dad grunted and my mom gave me a side eye. Something's wrong. My dad never grunted, and my mom never gave us a side eye- not once! Why are they acting like this?
"I slept ok." Aiden replied shrugging. Mom immediately stopped cooking pancakes and came over to Aiden, cooking and nurturing him.
"Ooh!! You poor baby!!" Ok, something is really wrong! Mom never does this, she has her own subtle way of making sure we're happy and loved. She's never been this overprotective before.
"Mom, the pancakes are burning." I explain glancing at the pancakes and she checks on them shrugging and putting some on a plate for. I look her eyes wide with concern.
"M-mom? Are you ok?" She looked at me, eyes gleaming with fury.
"Do I look ok? I wished I never had you. You're nothing, but a FAILURE." She explained madder than I had ever seen her in my life. My eyes started to cloud with tears.
"Oh! You gonna be a baby and cry?" She said in a mocking tone.
"Mom!!! T-this isn't- this isn't you!!!" I shout running upstairs to my room. I slammed and locked the door behind me. I breathed in and out.
"It's going to be okay, Honey. Just breath. Everything is going to be fine. Just close you're eyes and wake up." I explained to myself and closed my eyes and opened them again, but nothing had changed. How did I know that? Well-
"Get down here, you little FAILURE!!!" Well, that is why I knew. How am I going to get out? For now, I might as well get ready. I looked at the clock, it was 8, on a Monday, had to get to school. So I got dressed and got downstairs with my backpack, it wasn't actually upstairs in my room like it usually is, it was under my mom and dad's bed, and by the looks of it, it hadn't been used in what? A few years? Maybe more? Once I got all of the dust off, mom said I had to go to school on my own. Walking. In the rain. Is she insane?! Without an umbrella?! Once I got to school, something felt... strange. I looked around and finally saw Scar, Lucy and Janie talking over by Scar's locker.
"Hey guys!" I exclaim cheerfully waving at them. They are always happy to see me. Scar notices me first but gives me the side eye, just like mom this morning.
"You expect US to hang out with YOU? You're just a FAILURE! I mean, have you seen your grades?!" Scar asked scoffing as she, Lucy and Janie laughed like bullies. I backed away terrified and into my teacher's classroom.
"How nice of you to, "drop in", Miss Drake." I turned to my teacher and smiled.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking, Mrs. Teal." I explained smiling at my teacher as I walked up to my desk in the front row. Mrs. Teal slapped her papers on the desk.
"What are you thinking?! A FAILURE doesn't belong up here!!! Go in the back!!" She shouts at me. I blink in confusion at her, but nod going into the back to some scary kids.
"Hey there." A boy next to me mutters under a black hoodie.
"Leave her alone, Ernest! Don't make me hurt you!" A girl with a nose piercing and a streak of maroon in her black hair shouts in my defense.
"Shut up, Claire!!!" The boy shouts back.
"SILENCE!" Mrs. Teal shouted at them. The door opened and Scar, Janie and Lucy came in. Late, might I add, which is very out of character for them. My teacher smiled at them.
"Hello girls. Would you help me pass out report cards?"
"Yes, Mrs. Teal." They said in sync with fake smiles. I couldn't believe what they were wearing! Scar took off her red faded hoodie to reveal a white tank top and jeans. Who wears tank tops in school?! Isn't that even allowed?! They passed around report cards and finally to me. Janie did a fake laugh while covering her mouth. I raised an eyebrow at her in confusion, but tried to ignore her as I looked at my report card. No way!! I've gotten four Fs, three Ds, and one C! This wasn't possible!! This couldn't be my report card!!! I couldn't possibly be a... be a FAILURE! As I walked home, I looked at the report card again, this has to be a dream. And somehow... I've got to wake up.

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