Chapter 23

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AN: Hey...sorry for all of the POV changes. I just thought I needed to do this chapter this way so you know what everyone is feeling...hope I didn't confuse you to much! <3

Ryan’s POV

I stood next to the lockers after the last bell had went off, waiting for Alex to show up. After Tyler stormed out of class earlier, we both tried looking for him but finally realized that he must have skipped the rest of the day and went home so we decided to wait until after school ended to go to his house and check on him.

I felt bad, really bad. I mean all of this is my fault. I’m the one that thought it would be a good idea to ask for Alice’s help and now I realize just how stupid that was. I’m an idiot. Now Tyler is pissed and Alex, I don’t know what happened to him but he’s been acting weird to. I’ve been having to repeat everything to him today because his heads been somewhere else. No doubt it has to do with Alice also. Fuck, I’m such an idiot for going to her for help! Everything was fine until this morning!

“Alex!” I yelled as I spotted him walking past me down the hall.

He turned his head and stopped, “Sorry, Ryan. I forgot we were supposed to meet up.” He bit his lip and looked back down the hall. “Hey, can we go to Tyler’s later, I remembered that I needed to do something today.”

I tilted my head to the side and gave him a curious look. He has something better to do than to make sure our boyfriend is ok? Actually, this could be my chance to go to Alice’s house and find out exactly how our plan went so wrong. Better to know the crappy details before I get to Tyler’s so I’m not so surprised. “Um, yeah, ok. I have something I need to do also. Let’s just meet at Tyler’s house in like an hour or something.”

 “Thanks.” He mumbled in relief and walked away without even a goodbye or a see you later. Yeah, something is definitely up with him…

I waited and watched as Alex left and then took another moment of standing their just to be sure he was gone and wouldn’t see me walk in the direction of Alice’s house. I left when I figured it was safe and slowly walked to her house, thinking about what I would say to her. I can’t yell, too much. I mean I was the one that told her to do it. I still don’t understand how exactly she could have made Tyler that mad. Tyler doesn’t get mad, well not mad enough to scream at her in the middle of class then to just leave and not come back. Yeah, she has so much to explain…

Tyler’s POV

I sat on the steps and waited. Waited for that that bitch to get here! Ugh, no, no I can’t call her that. She is actually a friend but oh my god why did she suddenly go full blown bitch in class today?! Yeah no other word will do for her, she’s definitely a bitch.

All that stuff that she was saying. God, what was up with that?! Is that really what she thought was going on? Do I really come off as the type of person that would use someone? Did I pick Ryan because I knew Alex wouldn’t be able to love him as much as he loved me? Did I even know that?!

I groaned loudly and dropped my head into my hands. Great, now she has me questioning myself over every little thing that’s happened! Fuck!

“I figured you would be here.” My head shot up and my eyes locked with the girl that had basically turned my life from good to bad in a matter of minutes. “Alex and Ryan were convinced that you would have gone home but I knew that’s not where you would go.” She rolled her eyes. “Shouldn’t they know you better than I do? Guys are so stupid sometimes.”

“Just stop Alice.” I mumbled and stood up, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“Hmm, still pissed, I see.” She smirked her girl smirk and it had me clenching my teeth. “Well, you’re here, might as well go inside.”

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